
crypt n.1.地窖,地穴;(特指)教堂地下室〔常作墓穴用〕。2...


The intrusion detection is a new security technology , apart from tradition security protect technology , such as firewall and data crypt 入侵檢測技術是繼“防火墻” 、 “數據加密”等傳統安全保護措施后新一代的安全保障技術。

He died back in december and on saturday his body was placed in a crypt at the south carolina home of one of his daughters 他于去年十二月去世,周六他的遺體被安放在教堂的地下室內,教堂位于他在南卡羅萊那的一個女兒住所附近。

Impale - the crypt lord impales a target enemy unit , then flings it into the air . when the impaled unit hits the ground , it is stunned 穿刺-地穴領主刺穿一個敵人的身體,然后把他扔到控制.當這個敵人落地時會因為撞擊而眩暈

Impale - the crypt lord impales a target enemy unit , then flings it into the air . when the impaled unit hits the ground , it is stunned 穿刺-地穴領主刺穿一個敵人的身體,然后把他扔到空中.當這個敵人落地時會因為撞擊而眩暈

With more and more site intruded by hackers , security expert found that only use crypt technology to build a security system is not enough 隨著黑客入侵事件的日益猖獗,人們發現只從防御的角度構造安全系統是不夠的。

With more and more site intruded by hackers , security expert found than only use crypt technology to build a security system is not enough 隨著黑客入侵事件的日益猖獗,人們發現只從防御的角度構造安全系統是不夠的。

The colonic mucosa of active ulcerative colitis shows “ crypt abscesses “ in which a neutrophilic exudate is found in glandular lumens 急性潰瘍性結腸炎結腸顯示粘膜隱窩有小膿腫,腺腔內可見中性粒細胞滲出。

I ll describe these extensions and show you a java implementation of md5 crypt using freebsd as my unix 在本文中我們將對這些擴展進行介紹,并展示md5加密的一種java實現(我們使用了freebsd作為unix平臺) 。

For loop - aes , unlike dm - crypt , the options for cipher and key size are combined , so you can select both at the same time 不像dm - crypt , loop - aes選項的cipher和密鑰長度是組合在一起的,這樣您可以同時選取。

In this theme , combined public key system composed by ecdh key exchanging algorithm and block crypt system is introduced 在本課題中引入了由ecdh密鑰交換算法和分組密碼構成的混合公鑰體制。

He died back in december and on saturday his body was placed in a crypt at the south carolina home of one of his daughters 周六,他的尸體被安放在一個女兒家中的地穴里,位于南卡羅來納州。

Others may be recognized by their characteristic layout , even though converted as crypts beneath christian churches 其他的會被它們的典型設計圖案所認知,即使是更換成基督教堂的地下室內。

He died back in december and on saturday his body was placed in a crypt at the south carolina home of one of his daughters 周六,他的尸體安葬在南卡羅來納州他一個女兒家中的地穴里。

There he goes . an obese grey rat toddled along the side of the crypt , moving the pebbles 一只胖墩墩的灰鼠185趔趔趄趄地沿著墓穴的側壁爬過去,一路勾動了石頭子兒。

System call and provided an implementation of md5 crypt for use with your java applications 系統調用的擴展,并給出了一個可以在java應用程序中使用的md5加密的實現。

You can pay on our platform saftly by verisign s 128bit ssl certifate and rsa , des crypt arithmetic 該公司使用了verisign的128位ssl加密證書及rsa des加密算法,

For partitions encrypted using dm - crypt you will be shown the following prompt during the boot 通過dm - crypt加密的分區,啟動的時候會有下面的提示信息:

Run crypt on it using the stored salt wipe the memory in which the password was stored ) ,或者您也許想起幾年前關于netscape的ssl實現被泄露這一事件。

The only thing that you have to change is to add the crypt library in the linking process 在這里,惟一需要改動的地方是在鏈接過程中添加crypt庫。