
cryoscope n.【物理學】冰點測定器。


My factory craft equipment advanced , technical force abundant , examines well appointed , has the computer laser granularity cryoscope , the luminosity meter , the electric conductance meter , the albedo meter and so on , the product quality is stable , obtains the customer the consistent high praise and the approval , this factory satisfies the customer by the remarkable product and the high quality service the request 我廠工藝裝備先進,技術力量雄厚,檢測設備齊全,擁有電腦激光粒度測定儀、光度儀、電導儀、白度儀等,產品質量穩定,得到客戶的一致好評和認可,本廠以卓越的產品和優質的服務來滿足客戶的要求。

Iso milk - determination of freezing point - thermistor cryoscope method reference method iso 5764 : 2002 ; german version en iso 5764 : 2002 牛奶.冰點的測定.熱敏電阻冰點測定器法

Milk - determination of freezing point - thermistor cryoscope method reference method 乳品.凝固點的測定.熱敏電阻冰點測試方法參照方法

Milk - determination of freezing point - thermistor cryoscope method reference method 牛奶.冰點的測定.熱敏電阻冰點測定器