
cryolite n.【礦物】冰晶石。


This paper is concentrated on preparing si3n4 / sic , si2n2o / sic and o ' - sialon / sic by reactive sintering techniques . the components of raw materials and microstructure of these three ceramics were studied . at the same time , molten al , cu , zn , mg and cryolite corrosion resistance of silicon nitride bonded silicon carbide were tested too 本論文通過成份及微結構設計,采用反應燒結工藝制備了力學和抗氧化性能優異的o ' - sialon sic 、 si _ 2n _ 2o sic和si _ 3n _ 4 sic陶瓷材料,并研究了它們的抗鋁、銅、鋅、鎂有色金屬熔體及冰晶石熔鹽侵蝕性能。

In the course of selecting oxide additives material in the nickel - ferric spinel based inert anode , both the solubility in the cryolite molted salt of oxide additives and the whole thermodynamics action in electrolyte of oxide additives are discussed in this article , thus to have a comparatively reasonable selection of the nickel - ferric spinel based inert anode material 在選擇鎳鐵尖晶石基惰性陽極材料氧化物添加劑過程中,不僅探討了氧化物添加劑在冰晶石熔鹽中的溶解度,而且還探討了氧化物添加劑在電解液中的整個熱力學行為,從而對鎳鐵尖晶石基惰性陽極材料做出了較為合理的選擇。

The results show that the main matter for the electroosmosis is sodium - fluorine compound ; the depth and matter for the electroosimosis increase with increase of alumina concentration and magnesium fluoride content , and the electroosmosis deepens sharply when the cryolite mole ratio reaches 2 . 0 結果表明:電滲的主要物質是鈉氟化合物,隨著氧化鋁濃度及氟化鎂含量的增加,電滲的深度及電滲的物質量增加;當冰晶石分子比達到2 . 0時,電滲的深度急劇增加。

Synthetic cryolites is mainly used as the flux in the aluminium electrolysing and the fillers of rubber , grinding wheel , the milk whiter agent of enamel glass - shaded and the flux of the non - iron metal , etc . its merits are adjustable molecular ratio , lower cost and good fluidity 人造冰晶石可作電解氧化鋁的助熔劑,橡膠,砂輪的填充劑,搪瓷玻璃罩的增白劑及非鐵金屬的助溶劑等,它具有可調整的克分子傳導率,成本低,流動性好等優點

The stage of alumina extraction is excluded in these technologies of aluminium production , and chloride method of electrolysis allows to decrease electric power costs by 30 - 35 % in comparision with electrolytic aluminium extraction from cryolite - alumina melts 從氧化鋁中提取鋁的方法已被排除在鋁的生產技術之外,而且電解氯化物方法相對于電解冰晶石氧化鋁融解物的方法,可以減少電力費用30 - 35 % 。

( 6 ) cryolite corrosion resistance of si3n4 / sic is very excellent in air atmosphere . the property of si3n4 / sic is the best among si3n4 / sic si2n2o / sic and o ' - sialon / sic 西北工業大學工學碩士論文( 6 )在970的空氣介質中, si3n4 / sic具有優異的抗冰晶石侵蝕性能。

Effects of kevlar pulp , cryolite and precipitated barium sulfate on braking friction materials 漿粕和冰晶石及硫酸鋇在摩擦材料中的作用

Potassium carbonate , potassium silicate , zinc oxide , synthetic cryolite , soda ash 碳酸鉀硅酸鉀氧化鋅人造冰晶石純堿

Methods of test for cryolite 冰晶石的試驗方法

Methods of test for cryolite - determination of calcium content 冰晶石試驗方法.第8部分:鈣含量測定

Granulated high - molecular ratio cryolite 砂狀冰晶石粒狀冰晶石

The acid amp; amp; alkali system in cryolite alumina melts 氧化鋁熔體中的酸堿體系

The film is deposited on the surface of the glass by evaporating crystals, usually of cryolite or magnesium fluoride, in a vacuum . 涂敷薄膜時,通常是將玻璃置于真空之中,然后使冰晶石或氧化鎂晶體氣化,令其沉積于玻璃表面上。

This film is deposited on the surface of the glass by evaporating crystals, use of cryolite or magnesium fluoride, in a vacuum . 涂敷薄膜時,通常是將玻璃置于真空之中,然后使冰晶石或氟化鎂晶體氣化,令其沉積于玻璃表面上。