
cryogenics n.低溫(物理)學;低溫實驗法。


This paper also give a supplement to the virtual refrigeration educational system based on the web , which is constructed by the cryogenics labrotory , so that it can satisfy the requirement of teaching on the internet about air - conditioner and refrigerator , meanwehile , there is some work about the debugging and improvement of the whole system 此外,本文還對基于web的虛擬制冷教學系統做了部分工作,使其空調器與電冰箱部分的教學能夠滿足網上教學的要求,并對整個系統進行了調試與改進。

J - t cooling is one of the main cooling methods for cooling military infrared chips . this kind of cooler has been widely used in the infrared seeking system of air - bome optical radar , nightvision and missile infrared guiding . in this paper , first we gave a brief introduction about cryogenics , research and development of j - t cryocooler 節流制冷器是軍用紅外領域紅外芯片冷卻的幾種主要方式之一,采用此原理的節流制冷器被廣泛地應用在機械光學雷達紅外尋的系統,夜視儀及導彈紅外制導系統等武器裝備中。

An experimental setup has been designed and built up through a collaboration program between cryogenics laboratory in zhejiang university and limsi - cnrs ( france ) . the system employs the inherently reversible stirling cycle , and then its thermodynamic efficiency can easily surpass that of standing - wave system and is even comparable to that of the traditional internal combustion engines 在充分理解工作機理的基礎上,與法國國家科研中心limsi實驗室合作,設計并建成一臺行波型熱聲驅動器實驗裝置,進行了初步實驗,以氨氣和氮氣為工質,成功地獲得了頻率分別為66hz和23hz的熱聲振蕩。

The graduates may find employment of technology and management in the fields of the thermal energy & power engineering ( tepe ) and its relevance , such as modern power plant or the refrigeration and cryogenics engineering ( rce ) , the graduates may also engaged in the special technique in the fields related to tepe 學生畢業后能勝任現代火力發電廠,制冷與低溫工程及相關的熱能與動力工程專業的技術與管理工作,并能從事其它能源動力領域的專門技術工作

The williams case , which stinks on ice , was back in the news in february because a friend of ted ' s was able to finagle a visit to the cryogenics lab in question , located in scottsdale , ariz . , where baseball players who are still alive were gathering for spring training 威廉斯這宗臭名遠播冰尸案2月再度見報,因為他的一位朋友耍手段,到位于亞利桑那州斯科次達市(仍在世的棒球員正在該市進行春訓)的低溫實驗室走了一遭。

Based on micro - nan cryogenics and microscale transfer , this paper research the inner mechanism of itr from the point of views of the crossed subjects , such as cryogenics , information controling and computer simulation technology 本文基于微尺度傳熱學理論和微結構低溫工程學原理,從研究對象的內在機理出發,結合低溫工程學、信息控制、計算機仿真技術,從交叉學科的角度來對低溫界面熱阻進行研究。

Taught in the following specialities : engineering thermodynamics , compressors , refrigeration & cryogenics , thermodynamics & power . the professional titles are : assistant professor ( 1958 ) , associate professor ( 1981 ) , professor ( 1986 ) 在西安交通大學工程熱物理專業、壓縮機專業、制冷與低溫工程專業、熱能與動力工程專業任教,職務為:助教( 1958 ) 、副教授( 1981 ) 、教授( 1986 ) 。

With the development of economy and advancement of society , research and development of miniature heat exchangers have been very popular in the field of motor vehicles , aero - space , cryogenics and refrigeration , and so on 隨著經濟的發展、社會的進步,機動車輛、航空以及低溫制冷技術等領域中微型換熱器的研究開發已成為當今的熱門之一。

Miniature evaporator is a compact exchanger with small volume , light weight , and big heat transfer area per unit of volume . it is an important application in the field of cryogenics and refrigeration 微型蒸發器是一種體積小、重量輕、單位體積換熱面積大的緊湊式換熱器,在制冷低溫技術領域中有著重要應用。

The first question appears on my computer ' s screen . my judge laboriously types : “ what is the difference between cryonics and cryogenics ? 第一個問題出現在我的計算機屏幕上。與我討論的鑒定人員費神(用計算機鍵盤)打出如下問題: “人體冷凍術與低溫學之間的區別是什么?

Taught in the speciality of refrigeration & cryogenics . the professional titles are : associate professor ( 1985 - 1992 ) 1992在西安交通大學能源與動力工程學院制冷與低溫工程專業副教授。

Ph . d . and msc . degrees awarded at institute of cryogenics , university of southampton , u . k 1984英國南安普敦大學低溫研究所留學,獲英國理學碩士、博士學位。

Vacuum and cryogenics 真空與低溫