
crying adj.叫喊的,嚎哭的;突出的,顯著的,厲害的;緊急的。...


“but that is beside the matter,“ i cried . “但這是不相干的事,”我高聲說。

“no, plague!“ the furious chinese cried . “不是鼠疫!”暴怒的中國人吼道。

“he's going fast,“ cried the old woman . “他去得太快了,”老婦人哭著說。

“true, ma'am, true,“ cried mr. brass . “對,太太,對,”布拉斯先生叫道。

“god help us!“ cried the child . “上帝救救我們!”那孩子叫道。

“we have to sneak around,“ he cried . “我們只好偷偷摸摸,”他嚷起來。

“for a journey, sir!“ cried kit . “出門一趟,先生!,”吉特叫了出來。

“silence!“ cried mr. bumble sternly . “閉嘴!”班布爾先生厲聲喝住他。

“restrain him“, cried mr. shodgrass . “阻止他”,史拿格拉斯先生叫道。

“you don't know that?“ cried quilp . “你不知道這回事?”奎爾普叫道。

“oh!“ cried grace in her fright . “噢!”格雷絲因為恐怖喊叫了一聲。

“i prefer weak tea,“ cried daisy . “我情愿喝一杯淡茶!”戴西叫道。

“grateful soul!“ cried the dwarf . “真是個有良心的人!”矮子喊道。