
cry vi.1.叫,喊;(禽獸)啼,鳴,嗥,(犬)吠。2.哭泣...

cry baby

Space with its weird cries came between . 浩瀚空間里的奇怪噪音總是混雜進來。

She was not going to cry about it . 她再也用不著怨天尤人了。

The girl often has a crying spell . 這個姑娘常常會哭一陣子。

The stock in the barn cried to her hungrily . 牲口棚里的牲口餓得朝她嗷嗷叫。

“but that is beside the matter,“ i cried . “但這是不相干的事,”我高聲說。

The great silence was broken by a loud cry . 死一般的沉靜被一聲大叫所打破。

I just rag him till he cries . 我就罵他一頓,把他罵哭了完事。

“no, plague!“ the furious chinese cried . “不是鼠疫!”暴怒的中國人吼道。

The thin walls of the room echoed the crying . 哭聲在斗室的薄板壁四周回響。

He knew we weren't crying wolf . 他知道,我們不是在謊報軍情。

For crying out loud ! why did you do that ? 大聲喊叫!你為什么要干那種事?

It 's no use crying over split milk . 事已如此,后悔也是枉然。

“he's going fast,“ cried the old woman . “他去得太快了,”老婦人哭著說。

“true, ma'am, true,“ cried mr. brass . “對,太太,對,”布拉斯先生叫道。

It was sharp-a haunting cry . 這聲音很刺耳,過后總是在耳邊響。

The sea sparkled, curlews cried . 海水波光粼粼,候鳥歌聲陣陣。

Cried jabez stone, in an ague of fear . 杰貝茲斯通嚇得直哆嗦叫出聲來了。

There was hysteria in her cry of resentment . 她憤恨的喊聲中帶有歇斯底里。

Do not cry down her real achievements . 不要貶低她真正的成就。