
crutch n.1.拐杖,(跛子腋下的)T字杖。2.支柱,叉柱;〔比...


Perhaps , our hours in love have wings ; in absence crutches 愛情的時光長出了翅膀;離別時,它們是我們的精神支柱

Slight of build and on crutches 腿摔壞了,要用拐杖

What does your inside leg ( ie from the crutch to the inner side of the foot ) measure 你的腿從內側量有多長

After just twelve days in the hospital , he walked out on crutches 他只在醫院里待了12天,就拄著拐杖離開了。

As you can see , l m on crutches . i was wounded during the vietnam war 你看我用拐杖因為我在越南戰爭中受傷

As you can see , l ` m on crutches . i was wounded during the vietnam war 你看我用拐杖因為我在越南戰爭中受傷

It ' d be nice to have a faculty member whose crutch wasn ' t prozac 我會很高興有一位不靠抗憂郁藥過日子的同事

He uses his wife as a kind of crutch because of his lack of confidence 他缺乏自信心,總把妻子當作主心骨。

Name : aerolite four hands crutch 名稱:鋁合金四腳拐杖

He uses his wife as a kind of crutch because of his lack of confidence 他缺乏自信心,總把妻子當作主心骨

An umbrella walking stick crutches 一把雨傘手仗拐杖

Lady capulet : a crutch , a crutch ! why call you for a sword 凱普萊特夫人:拐杖呢?拐杖呢?你要劍干什么?

Fred broke his leg , but he is able to get about on crutches 弗雷德的腿雖然骨折了但他仍能拄著拐杖走動。

Our hours in love have wings ; in absence crutches 愛情的時光長出了翅膀;離別時,它們是我們的精神支柱。

I was on crutches for three months 我是拄著拐杖為三個月

One foot is better than two crutches 一只腳勝過兩根拐杖。

Here take your crutch and walk 喏,接住你的拐棍兒,走吧。

The old man has to walk on crutches 那個老人得用?杖走路。

He have to walk on crutch because he break his leg 他因摔斷了腿,只得靠一副丁字形拐杖支撐著行走。