
crustacean adj.,n.甲殼類的(動物)。


Picture gallery of skulls from mammals , birds , reptiles , amphibians , fish , sharks , and crustaceans . also offers a chart comparing the sizes , a map of skull bones , and a description of how you prepare skulls -提供野生物市場行情新聞動態物種查詢物種鑒定行業標準進出口法規政策會員服務守望者論壇求職招聘守望者圖庫。

Marine fish , including edible crustaceans , molluscs and other similar edible products derived from the sea , arriving in hong kong direct from fishing grounds on fishing craft registered or licensed in hong kong 本港注冊或領牌的漁船直接從捕漁處運到本港的咸水魚,包括可供食用的甲殼類動物、軟體動物及其他同類海產食品;

Turmeric is particularly popular in southeast asia , where it is used to color and flavor a wide variety of dishes , including soups , sauces , salads , lentils , rice , eggs , fish , and crustaceans 姜黃在東南亞尤其普遍,它被使用在上色和調味各種各樣的菜盤中,包括湯、醬料、沙拉、扁豆、米、蛋、魚,和甲殼動物。

Divers have discovered a new crustacean in the south pacific that resembles a lobster and is covered with what looks like silky , blonde fur , french researchers said tuesday 法國研究人員3月7日表示,潛水者在南太平洋水域發現了一種新的甲殼類動物。這種動物的樣子和龍蝦很相似,全身覆蓋著如絲綢般的白毛。

Usually , the next step up from bacteria in most food chains are protozoans ( such as amoebae and even microscopic crustaceans ) , and they are the biggest eaters of bacteria 通常,在大多數食物鏈里,細菌的上一層便是原生動物(如變形蟲乃至用顯微鏡才能看見的甲殼蟲) ,而它們就是細菌的最大食用者。

What they suspect is happening is that left - handed snails avoid the attentions of right - handed crabs because these dexterous crustaceans find it tricky to eat lefties 他們猜想當時的情況可能是左撇子的蝸牛不會引起右撇子螃蟹的興趣,因為這些慣用右爪的螃蟹發現要吃這些會向左轉的家伙比較難。

The new crustacean is described in the journal of the national museum of natural history in paris . the animal is white and 5 . 9 inches long , about the size of a salad plate 這種動物在巴黎國家自然歷史博物館的期刊中有記述:它身為白色,體長5 . 9英寸約合15厘米,其大小和一個沙拉盤差不多。

Usually , the next step up from bacteria in most food chains are protozoans ( such as amoebae and even microscopic crustaceans ) , and they are the biggest eaters of bacteria 通常,在大多數食物鏈里,細菌的上一層便是原生動物(如變形蟲乃至極微小的甲殼類) ,亦是細菌最大的食用者。

Usually , the next step up from bacteria in most food chains are protozoans ( such as amoebae and even microscopic crustaceans ) , and they are the biggest eaters of bacteria 通常,在大多數食物鏈中,細菌的上一層是原生動物(例如變形蟲甚至微型甲殼類) ,它們也是細菌的最大食客。

The sea cucumber provides food for the crustaceans in the form of mucus on its skin and defends itself by ejecting its toxic stomach when danger threatens 海參用它皮膚上的粘液提供食物給這些甲殼類動物,而當它受到威脅的時候,則會把有毒污穢的胃部器官噴射出來,以保護自己。

The sea cucumber provides food for the crustaceans in the form of mucus on its skin and defends itself by ejecting its toxic stomach when danger threatens 海參用它皮膚上的粘液給甲殼類動物提供食物,而當它受到威脅的時候,會將有毒的胃部噴射出來以保護自己。

Members of the trade are reminded to : clean and cook food thoroughly before consumption , particularly crustacean and bivalve seafood such as shrimp , crab , oysters and clams 食物包括海產要徹底洗凈和煮熟方可進食,尤其是甲殼及雙殼類海產如蝦蟹蠔及蜆等

The verb “ to crawfish “ is unknown even to slang dictionaries , although it must derive from the crawfish , or crayfish , a reshwater crustacean 因為即便是在俚語詞典中,也看不到把“龍蝦“作動詞的用法。但可以肯定的是,這種用法跟那淡水殼類動物多少有點淵源。

Fully preserved including canned and fermented fish and fish products , including molluscs , crustaceans and echinoderms l . n . 189 of 2005 經完全防腐處理的包括已制成罐頭的及發酵的魚及魚產品,包括軟體類動物甲殼類動物及棘皮動物2005年第189號法律公告

Divers have discovered a new crustacean in the south pacific that resembles a lobster and is covered with what looks like silky , blonde fur , french researchers said tuesday 法國研究人員3月7日表示,潛水者在南太平洋水域發現了一種新的甲殼類動物。

Brine shrimp artemia , a source of food to be used in the initial feeding of the young fin fish and crustaceans , is uniquely responsible for the growth of aquaculture 是水產繁殖上一種用于飼養幼魚蝦苗初期較好的天然活性餌料。特別是剛孵出的鹵蟲

The verb “ to crawfish “ is unknown even to slang dictionaries , although it must derive from the crawfish , or crayfish , a reshwater crustacean 看起來這個詞應該是總統獨家創造的。因為即便是在俚語詞典中,也看不到把“龍蝦“作動詞的用法。

The public is reminded to : clean and cook seafood thoroughly before eating , particularly crustaceans and bivalves such as shrimp , crab , oysters and clams 海產要徹底洗凈和煮熟方可進食,尤其是貝殼及雙殼貝類海產如蝦蟹蠔及蜆等

Clean and cook food thoroughly before consumption , particularly crustacean and bivalve - seafood such as shrimps , crabs , oysters and clams 食物尤其是海產要徹底洗凈和煮熟方可進食,尤其是甲殼及雙殼類海產如蝦、蟹、蠔及蜆等;