
crustacea n.〔pl.〕 【動物;動物學】甲殼綱。


Artemia is based on the nutrient requirements of larval fish and crustacea that was researched by growers and specialists . in order to provide the necessary nutritional requirements our ingredients include fresh fish , hog liver and whole egg liquified by enzymes under 50 , which can provide nucleic acid and unknown growth factors , supplementing the insufficient nutrition in natural artemia 維仁公司生產的維仁牌人工鹵蟲,魚苗丹是用生鮮魚蝦豬肝以酵素于下分解,取濾液與生蛋維他命微量礦物質于以下聚合而成,其原料保有天然的核酸酵素及許多未知天然生長激素,其營養理論上應比天然鹵蟲

This research reviewed the relationships of the myriapods to other arthropoda , based on morphological and molecular sequence data and the studies of developmental biology . the review was followed the major controversies in the higher - level phylogeny of myriapods . the complete 18s rrna sequences of four groups of myriapoda plus hexapoda ( protura , diplura , insecta ) and crustacea were used for phylogenetic study 本研究首先從形態學性狀、分子性狀( dna和蛋白質)以及結合形態和分子性狀、發育生物學的研究等方面對多足類動物與其他節肢動物之間的親緣關系進行了綜述,同時對多足類的系統發生研究進行了綜述。

Studies on spermatogenesis and oogenesis in palaemon modestus jiang ye - qin ( chemistry department , huzhou teachers coliege , huzhou 313000 ) palaemon modestus belongs to genus palaemon , family palaemonidae , caridea , natantia , decapoda , class crustacean . lt is a kind of freshwater prawn across china and especially abounds in the taihu lake which is regarded as one of the “ three delicacies “ of the taiha lake . as for the researches on palaemon modestus , v / e can only refer to spermatogenesis of freshwater shrimp exopalaemon modestus ^ ruang hai - xia et al , 2001 ) , studies on reproductive biology of exopalaemon modestus l . the structure and development of the male reproductive system ( huang hai - xia et al , 1999 ) and studies on freshwater prawn in the taihu lake ( yan sheng - liang , 1999 ) . on the bases of their researches and with the help of tem , i have made further researches on sperm ultrastructure , spermatogenesis , oogenesis and mature oocyte ultrastructure in palaemon modestus 秀麗白蝦palaemonmodestus屬甲殼綱crustacea十足目decapoda游泳亞目natantia真蝦部caridae長臂蝦科palaemonidae長臂蝦屬palaemon ,是我國南北均產的淡水蝦,其中太湖產量尤其大,與太湖銀魚、鱭魚并稱“太湖三寶” 。有關秀麗白蝦的研究僅見秀麗白蝦雄性生殖系統的研究(黃海霞等, 1999 ) 、秀麗白蝦精子發生的研究(黃海霞等, 2001 ) 。本人在前人工作的基礎上,利用透射電鏡技術( tem )進一步研究了秀麗白蝦精子的形態、結構及精子的發生過程,同時還研究了秀麗白蝦卵的發育過程,從卵原細胞到卵黃發生前的卵母細胞、卵黃發生的卵母細胞及成熟卵細胞,各期卵細胞的形態結構特點及各部分結構的變化情況。

A total of 543 species of macrobenthos were collected . the specie - number of polychaeta is 147 species , mollusca 182 species , crustacea 144 species , and echinodermata 70 species . the distribution of species of macrobenthos , their biomass and density , and biodiversity indices were described and discussed 除少數種類待鑒定外,兩次調查共發現四大類群底棲動物543種,其中多毛類39科147種,軟體動物56科182種,甲殼類41科144種,棘皮動物21科70種。

I moved on a hundred years , and there was the same red sun ? a little larger , a little duller ? the same dying sea , the same chill air , and the same crowd of earthly 8 ) crustacea creeping in and out among the green weed and the red rocks 我再前行一百年,依舊是同樣的紅太陽?大了一點,也黯淡了一些?同樣氣數將盡的海洋,同樣寒澈骨的空氣,同樣爬行于綠草與紅巖石間的一群群甲殼類生物。

The natural history of many common shore animals , particularly the more sedentary molluscs and crustacea of rocky shores and mangroves has been studied , but broad gaps remain in the knowledge of local marine fauna 很多常見的近岸動物,特別是附在多石海岸及紅樹林的軟體動物及貝介類,其博物學早已受廣泛研究,但有關本地海洋動物的知識,多處仍鮮為人知。

Freshly hatched nauplii provide , in most cases , an available source of live food for the youngest stages of most cultured species of larval fish and crustacea 眼幼蟲最適合于幼魚蝦初期食用。在幼魚蝦期時,需要一種很小,而且具有活性動態的高營養物來供它們攝食。

The myriapoda are polyphyletic . 2 . the chilopoda appears to be sister to a clade containing the insecta and crustacea , but with low bootstrap support 2 、唇足綱、昆蟲和甲殼動物聚合,其中昆蟲與甲殼類聚為一支,然后與唇足綱構成姊妹群關系,但是支持率不高。

Effects of heavy metal , such as cd2 + and pb2 + , on the species can reflect the effects of the water pollution of heavy metal on the decapodas ( crustacea : ) to some extent 重金屬鎘、鉛對該物種的影響在一定程度上可反映出重金屬對水體中十足類甲殼動物的影響。

Kuang puren , qian jinhui 1991 economic fauna of china - parasitic crustacea of freshwater fishes . editorial committee of fauna sinica , academia sinica . science press , beijing , china 20匡溥人、錢金會1991中國經濟動物志:淡水魚類寄生甲殼動物。科學出版社。

Effects of heavy metal , such as hg2 + , on the species can reflect the effects of the water pollution of heavy metal on the decapodas ( crustacea ) to some extent 重金屬汞對該物種的影響在一定程度上可反映出重金屬對水體內十足類甲殼動物的影響。

Unfortunately , the nutritional composition of artemia can not meet the requirements of the youngest stages of most cultured species of larval fish and crustacea 本身的營養含量不足供應幼魚蝦的需求,因鹵蟲所含的高度不飽和脂肪酸不夠。

In addition the auther extracts insect color feature , yellow spot color feature and protergum and proala crustacea texture feature 提取了鞘翅上黃斑顏色特征以及前胸背板和鞘翅的紋理特征。

Dose the wood - borer sphaeroma terebrans ( crustacea ) shapes the distribution of the mangrove rhizophora mucronata 蛀木生物鉆刺團水虱是否改變紅茄冬紅樹林的分布形狀

Water quality - determination of long term toxicity of substances to daphnia magna straus cladocera , crustacea 水質.對鮭魚的長期毒性的測定

There are two kinds retinular cell that have different function in the crustacea 感光系統二種類型的感光細胞,可能具有不同的功能。