
crust n.1.面包皮 (opp. crumb);干面包片;生活...


Indeed, in the discovery of this sympathetic “woman writing“, hearst broke through the crust into the thing he was after . 確實,這種引起同情心的“婦女作品”的發展,使赫斯特沖破了原有的束縛而找到了他追求的東西。

Most of the energy sources used in our current technology are the fossil fuels that have been stored in the earth's crust for many centuries . 當代技術領域所使用的大部分能源是已經貯存在地殼內許多世紀的礦物燃料。

The deformations at the surface of the crust after rainfalls have close relations to the occurrence of shallow shocks in the upper crust . 雨后地殼表面的形變與地殼上部發生的淺源地震密切相關。

Evidently, the sulfates normally in seawater are converted to hydrogen sulfide as the water passes through the warm crust . 顯而易見,平常含于海水的硫酸鹽在海水通過暖地殼時轉變成了硫化氫。

Near the curb of the crowded sidewalk, pigeons were tossing around a bread crust that someone had dropped or thrown them . 在擁擠的人行道轉彎處;有一群鴿子圍著一片什么人丟下的面包皮亂轉。

When rain falls, the loess particles on the surface layer swell and form a crust that is almost impermeable to water . 降雨時,表層的黃土粒就發生膨脹并形成一層幾乎是不透水的表皮。

His face and eyelashes were crusted with frozen spray, and there were four inches of solid ice on his hat . 他的臉和睫毛都凝上了一層冰凍的海水,他的帽子上有四寸厚的硬邦邦的冰。

The most important exothermal reactions in the crust can be expected from the chemical transformations of sulfides . 地殼中能夠料想到的最重要的放熱化學反應是硫化物的化學轉變。

Through hundreds of thousands of years, it has become so salty that salt crusts float upon it like ice . 經過千百萬年之后,其含鹽度變得極大,以至湖上浮著一層浮冰一樣的鹽殼。

With the development of the crust and its continents, a recognizable ancestor of our present earth appeared . 隨著地殼和它的大陸的演變,我們現在的地球的可辨認原型就出現了。

Volcanoes and earthquakes have been frequent along a great fault or weakness in the crust along this line . 沿著這條線上的地殼中大斷層或脆弱帶火山活動和地震一向很頻繁。

It will enable scientists to obtain samples of the mysterious layer which lies immediately below the earth 's crust . 它將使科學家能夠獲得緊靠地殼之下的神秘的地層樣品。

It will enable scientists to obtain samples of the mysterious layer which lies immediately below the earth's crust . 科學家們能從緊接地殼下面的那個神秘莫測的地層取樣。

Joanna sat down beside him on the green bank and shared her crusts and her bottle with him . 喬安娜在路邊綠草如茵的土坎上挨著老頭兒坐下來,和他一起吃干面包片,喝啤酒。

It is getting colder, too, and the spray has built a heavy crust of ice on the bow, weighting the skiff . 現在更冷了一些,浪花在船頭上形成一層厚冰,使得船身加重。

At the galapagos rift, volcanic activity beneath two geologic plates renews the earth's crust . 在加拉帕戈斯裂谷,兩地質板塊下面的火山活動使地殼更新。

Weight of the crust changes as elevations are eroded and materials are deposited elsewhere . 當高地受到侵蝕,物質沉積到別的地方時,地殼的重量就改變。

Some of the minute changes in the earth 's crust can be detected by means of instruments . 地殼一些微乎其微的變化,有的是可以通過儀器測量出來的。

The crust under ocean deeps would be thinner than under land surfaces at or near sea level . 深海下面的地殼比海平面或者接近海平面的陸地下面要薄。