
crush vt.1.壓碎;壓扁,壓壞(帽子等);搗碎,弄碎;擠榨。...

crush barrier

The elasticity of his heart had been crushed out of him by early sorrows . 過去的一件件傷心事已經弄得他意志消沉。

The dark vault surrounded the terrestrial globe as if to crush it . 陰森森的天空罩在地球上,好象要把它壓扁似的。

The last excitement lay in the crushing of trick amendments . 最后動人心弦的一舉是在擊敗一些詭計多端的修正案上。

If in the end he loses all patience he crushes both them and himself . 如果他最終失去耐心,便會與他們同歸于盡。

The more the worms writhe, the more i yearn to crush out their entrails ! 蟲子越受苦,我就越想碾碎它們。

He would ruthlessly crush any of us who opposed his will . 任何人膽敢違抗他的意志,他將進行無情的打擊。

“i want to crush men like barras,“ david said fiercely . “我要砸爛象巴勒斯那樣的人,”大衛氣憤地說。

The dried sample is crushed and homogenized, and stored in a jar . 把干燥的樣品粉碎,均化并存入瓶中。

The elephant executioner crushes it beneath his enormous foot . 由充當劊子手的大象用巨大的腳掌踩碎。

“how do you know?“ asked banting in his most crushing manner . “你怎么知道的呢?”班丁惡狠狠地問。

He took down his soft crush hat after he had dressed himself . 他穿好衣服,取下那頂壓扁了的軟禮帽。

It is simply a matter of time before the rebels are crushed . 把這些叛亂分子鎮壓下去只是遲早的事。

As they adjourned, a hundred men crushed in to slap his back . 散會后,百來個人擠上來拍他的肩膀。

You can not crush twenty people into such a tiny room . 不能讓二十個人擠進這樣一個狹小的房間里。

With his hands round her throat he crushed the life out of her . 他雙手扼住她的喉嚨把她掐死了。

The photo of the woman lay like a crushed reed on the boxes . 那女人的像片枯草似地躺在貨箱上。

Mr. tangle crushed . 坦格爾先生啞口無言了。

Toby and jill were almost crushed by the press of bodies . 人群的浪潮似乎要把托比和吉爾壓扁。

I'm crushed by this . 我已經被這件事搞垮了。