
crusader n.十字軍從軍騎士;十字軍戰士;參加討伐者;改革運動參與...


Once a powerful crusaders ? fortress built by the knights of st . john , rhodes town welcomes us to this beautiful and fertile island . explore the medieval walled town , packed with churches and palaces , which you can still roam today . afternoon , visit and have a panoramic sightseeing to lindos and the fabulous temple of athena with columns and balustrades still line up beautifully 下午參觀老城區,羅德島自西元前五世紀以來便為軍事重地,堅固厚實的城墻,巍峨的城堡始終吸引人,而潔凈美觀的市街通衢,到處林立著皮革金銀首飾商店,為一觀光購物勝地。

But she has not said she would run for president . honored with her were maya lin , who designed the vietnam veterans memorial in washington , d . c . ; dr . rita rossi colwell , who became the first female director of the national science foundation in 1998 ; and betty bumpers , a crusader for childhood immunizations who was clinton ' s predecessor as arkansas “ first lady 和希拉里一起入選美國女性名人堂的還有華盛頓特區越南戰爭紀念碑設計者林瓔1998年成為美國國家科學基金會首位女主席的麗塔羅西科爾韋爾博士和推動兒童免疫運動的貝蒂邦珀斯,她曾是希拉里克林頓的前任,也是阿肯色州州長夫人。

A few crusaders with a copy of the three - cd linux distribution that included their favorite entertainment tools in one hand , the livecd in another and their collection of videos , mp3s , audio cds in the backpack , wondered “ hmm . let s try and combine all these . 很多先驅者已經擁有了3張cd的linux發行版,其中包含了自己喜愛的娛樂工具;還有一張livecd (以及他們搜集的視頻、 mp3 、音頻cd ) ,他們想: “嗯

It is thought the custom of dyeing eggs was brought to europe during the middle ages by the crusaders , as it was common practice among the egyptians , persians , phoenicians , greeks and romans to dye eggs for their spring festivals 人們認為給蛋染色的習俗是在中世紀由十字軍戰士傳入歐洲的,因為埃及人、波斯人、腓尼基人、希臘人和羅馬人慣常為慶祝其春節而將蛋染色。

Producers shooting the next batman movie have been forced to cut one scene involving the caped crusader - - played by christian bale - - jumping out of a plane into the city ' s famed victoria harbour 正拍攝新一部蝙蝠俠電影的制片人,最近被迫刪除片中一段讓這位披風戰士(由克里斯汀貝爾飾演)從飛機上跳入香港著名的維多利亞港的場景。

Turquoise was mined and used by the egyptians in ancient times as long ago as 6000 bc . european crusaders first acquired this stone from traders from turkey which is probably how it received its name 其實土耳其并不產綠松石,之所以被冠以此名,大概是因為古代波斯產的綠松石最初是途經土耳其運往歐洲的緣故。

As far as the relationship of fairness and efficiency is concerned , crusaders for the fairness priority view polarization between the rich and the poor as a violation of the principle of the borne equality 就公平與效率的關系而言,公平優先論者認為貧富兩極分化是對人人生而平等原則的侵犯。

It resulted in the recapture of jerusalem by saladin and the near total collapse of the crusader kingdom of jerusalem , and was the catalyst for the third crusade 其結果是薩拉丁重新奪回耶路撒冷,并幾乎造成對耶路撒冷城東征的十字軍的全軍覆沒,也成為第三次十字軍東征的導火索。

Until the beginning of the 20 century german crusaders , bishops and barons had a major influence on the development of the land areas that later became modern latvia 直到二十世紀初,德國十字軍、主教和貴族對于后來成為現代拉脫維亞這一區域的發展施加了重大影響。

They arrived in fort loose before it can completely eliminate . can bullets , in a game in which the helicopter dropped , if there are any crusaders aim of th 可以加子彈的,在游戲中直升機上投下的,如果是有十字的瞄準點左鍵可以加生命力,是木頭形狀的箱子可以加子彈。

Often seen as the leaders of lumi warparties to other planes , crusaders are trained from those lumi knights that have shown faith and devotion to the cause of the light 被視為光民遠征軍團的領袖,圣戰軍是從虔信并獻身于光之愿景的騎士中選拔出來的。

Judgment of the crusader : it is no longer possible to have icons for two different ranks of judgment of the crusader appear at the same time when judged by multiple paladins 十字軍審判:現在來自不同的圣騎士并且等級不同的十字軍審判不會疊加了

The term ' saracens ' in fact covers the many different armies of islam that fought the crusaders , and the look and equipment of these varied considerably 撒拉遜這個詞其實涵蓋了各種跟十字軍作戰的伊斯蘭軍隊,外觀和裝備也大大不同。

You can even set it to 0 , and that would mean that the crusader will only damage something if it is a direct hit , which is unlikely in this case 你也可以把它設為0 ,那表示十字軍坦克只會殺傷其直接命中的目標,但這種情況不太可能。

Can bullets , in a game in which the helicopter dropped , if there are any crusaders aim of th enter the name of the game 可以加子彈的,在游戲中直升機上投下的,如果是有十字的瞄準點左鍵可以加生命力,是木頭形狀的箱子可以加子彈。

Crusaders cast their spells in preparation for combat , reserving only a few for healing their soldiers and other unforeseen situations 圣戰軍為戰斗準備了大量法術,只有很少部分用來治療本方士兵或者應付突發狀況。

Carson was not a born crusader but an intelligent and dedicated woman who rose heroically to the occasion 卡森并不是一個天生的斗士,她是名相當聰明且專注的女人,并且在那個時代中如英雄般的崛起。

However these figures and the corresponding crusaders are labelled as 11th century , the century before saladin 然而,這些人物和相應的十字軍被定義為11世紀,這比薩拉丁的時代早一個世紀。

Crusader strike ( retribution ) now causes 110 % of weapon damage and no longer gains any bonus from spell damage 十字軍打擊(懲戒天賦)現在造成110 %的武器傷害,不再從法傷中獲得傷害加成。