
crus n.【解剖學】下腿(由膝至踝的部分);腕鉤。


Electrical - controlled appliance includes single slice microcomputef , power supply , keyboard , liquid crystal display . the machine for body functional rehabilitation is controlled by enactment of five parameters , which are speed , range , position , frequency , time . the enactment of the five adjustable parameters used to realize six function that are anns stretching and circumrotating , wrist swing , finger stretching , crura anuckle stretching , anklebone swing 將肢體運動康復機本身選用的六項功能用以下五個參數的設定來控制,即用速度、幅度、位置、頻率、時間這五個可調參數的控制來實現肢體運動康復機中上肢手臂伸屈、手臂旋轉、腕關節上下左右擺動、手指伸屈、下肢膝關節伸屈、踝關節上下左右擺動六個功能。

Below my lower limbs some is small skin , bite like ant sometimes euqally urticant painful , today , ministry of beetle - crusher foot flank a little while an itchy is very afflictive , small are right crus side has one before two months , aching to itch again again still is not special ache urticant , what disease is this excuse me 我的下肢某一小塊皮膚下,有時象螞蟻咬一樣癢痛,今天,大腳趾側面部一會一陣一陣的刺癢很難受,兩個月前是右小腿側有一小塊,又疼又癢還不是非凡的疼癢,請問這是什么病?

Not be rheumatism , rheumatism is main drag in small joint , the strut that is joint is out of shape aching , is not the crus flesh that you say group aching , are you jerky 不是風濕,風濕主要累及小關節,是關節的腫脹變形疼痛,而不是你所說的小腿肌群疼痛,你是抽筋嗎?

Amonst the premere crus , it is a full body wine with velvet taste and excellent flavour . its quality improves more elegant after certain period of aging 法國中級酒莊的葡萄酒,酒香濃郁豐厚,擁有絲絨般的口感和與眾不同的香味,酒質隨歲月的增長而變得更加典雅。

Because of me long - term dash takes exercise , my crus and ham are complete now it is muscle , and very thick , how should be i decreased 因為我長期的短跑鍛煉,現在我的小腿和大腿全是肌肉,而且很粗,我應該怎樣減呢?

The best gevrey - chambertin grands crus are chambertin and clos de b ze . they are among the finest french red wines 它最好的等級是香貝丹和貝日圓,他們屬于最好的法國紅酒之一。

Usage : evenly apply adequate amount to the feet and crus and then gently massage until absorption 用法:取適量均勻涂抹在足部及小腿,輕輕按摩至吸收。

Measurement and analysis of multi - frequency electrical impedance in crus after long time seawater immersion 長時間海水浸泡下小腿多頻電阻抗測量與分析

Crus intermedium diaphragmatis 膈中間腳

Crura fasciculi atrioventricularis 房室束腳

Brachium pontis crus pontocerebellare 橋小腦腳

Crus mediale cartilag . apicis nasi 鼻尖軟骨內側腳

Customer replaceable units crus 客戶可更換單元crus

Crus laterale cartilag . apicis nasi 鼻尖軟骨外側腳

This is one of the most trustworthy of crus class 這是是一級酒莊里最具信賴價值的酒之一。

Corton is the largest area of grands crus in burgundy 高頓是布根地地區最大的等級產地。