
crupper n.(勒在馬的臀部上的)后秋;馬屁股;〔俚、謔〕(人的)...


When their general heard the firing and the shouts in the rear he had grasped at the instant that something awful was happening to his regiment ; and the thought that he , an exemplary officer , who had served so many years without ever having been guilty of the slightest shortcoming , might be held responsible by his superiors for negligence or lack of discipline , so affected him that , instantly oblivious of the insubordinate cavalry colonel and his dignity as a general , utterly oblivious even of danger and of the instinct of self - preservation , he clutched at the crupper of his saddle , and spurring his horse , galloped off to the regiment under a perfect hail of bullets that luckily missed him 正當團長聽到后面傳來的槍聲和吶喊聲之際,他心里明白,他的兵團中發生了什么可怕的事情,他想道,他是一名供職多年毫無過錯的模范軍官,他因工作疏忽或指揮不力,對不起列位首長,他這種想法使他大為驚訝,同時他已經忘卻那個不馴服的騎兵上校和他這個將軍應有的尊嚴,而重要的是,完全忘記了戰爭的危險和自我保全的本能。他用手抓住鞍橋,用馬刺刺馬,在他幸免于難的槍林彈雨下,向兵團疾馳而去。

The huntsman who had been quarrelling came riding out of the bushes with the fox on the crupper , and rode towards his young master 毆斗的獵人帶著系在馬鞍后面的狐貍也從林緣后面馳至少爺跟前來了。

Slowly , three times , one after another , from a full crupper , he mired 它從肥大的屁股里慢吞吞一團團地分三次拉下屎來。