
crunchy adj.(咀嚼時)嘎吱作響的。n.-iness


Pangtouyu pounds over the head , the rich and glial brain full of fat meat , it was hot and sour flavor of wild salamanders , fish shooting chopped salamanders , delicious , tart , crunchy flu only the beginning of the entrance , this time should not stop chopsticks , or salamanders spicy but not to the staying power of 兩斤以上的胖頭魚魚頭,大且富含膠質,腦滿肉肥,用的是酸辣的野山椒調味,魚肉混著剁碎的山椒,鮮香、酸甜,入口之初只感微辣,這時候千萬不要停筷,否則山椒辣的后勁可是了不得的。

Anyone who chows down the entire 2 - to 3 - inch horned cockroach gets a pass for four people to cut to the front of ride lines through oct . 29 . park officials insist it ' s safe to eat the crunchy critters , but health officials are cautioning participants 任何人只要吞下一只兩三英寸長帶觸須的蟑螂就可以獲得游樂園的4人免排隊優惠權,優惠期將持續到10月29日。

In hong kong cuisine , noodles are like a chef s canvas ; the essential core foundation for many tasty dishes . fried - up crunchy or soft , noodles add distinctive texture to any dish . not just any noodles will do for a perfect dish 對香港的廚師而言,面條是十分基本的烹飪素材,配合炒炸煮等五花百門的烹調方法,可炮制成各有風味的精美菜式。

There were wilted green vegetables , small pancakes , fired ginseng and lotus root , sweet potatoes , squares of tofu , crunchy seaweed chips ? about 20 dishes in total , much more than even the hungriest could eat 有萎蔫了的蔬菜、小煎餅、炒人參和蓮藕、番薯、豆腐塊、脆海苔片? ?總共約有20道,即使是饑腸轆轆的人也吃不完。

Some of the most delectable chinese horsd oeuvres are deep - fried . certain main dishes also call for meats to be deep - fried for a crunchy coating , then stir - fried to combine them with vegetables and flavorings 大部分中餐美味冷拼是油炸食品。某些文菜還需要將肉過油成酥皮(裹糊油炸)然后配上蔬菜和調料一起炒。

I must say the main thing i ' m missing is some good french / italian food and crunchy fresh bread - all the stuff here is sweet and normally stays in the fridge so long that i eat it stale 我得說我想念可口的意大利和法國菜,也想念新鮮的面包這里的面包都是甜的,通常得放在冰箱里保鮮。

Made with essential vitamins and minerals , lams biscuits are formulated using high - quality ingredients . the crunchy texture helps control tartar to promote clean teeth , fresh breath and healthy gums 含豐富維他命及礦物質,芳香松脆的質地,更有助狗只清潔牙齒,口腔清新,牙肉健康。

The deep - frying cooking method should result in the dish having a crispy , crunchy or flaky outer surface , yet still be juicy inside . it must be non - greasy and retain moisture inside 經過油炸的食物,外層必須香脆而不油膩,內層肉汁和水分充足,尤其著重保持材料鮮嫩幼滑。

Food symbols often occur too : prunes and cookies are popular , also cherry pies and sausages . a lot of items are prefaced by “ tasty “ , “ crunchy “ or “ yummy “ 食品意象也經常出現:梅干、甜餅、櫻桃派和香腸都很受歡迎。很多品種前冠以“可口的” 、 “松脆的”或“很棒的”字樣。

They believe that the best honey is crunchy , and proudly offer their guests honey filled with fragments of waxy honeycomb and bits of dead baby bees 他們認為最好的蜂蜜是嚼起來嘎吱作響的那種,因此,自豪地給客人拿出的蜂蜜里面都是蠟狀蜂窩的碎片和死幼蜂的尸體。

They all give good and crunchy texture and can be dipped into a small amount of plain low - fat yogurt or low - fat salad dressing for a richer taste 這些蔬菜的口感爽脆,若想味道更濃郁,可以沾一點低脂原味乳酪或低脂沙律醬。

Certain main dishes also call for meats to be deep - fried for a crunchy coating , then stir - fried to combine them with vegetables and flavorings 某些文菜還需要將肉過油成酥皮裹糊油炸然后配上蔬菜和調料一起炒。

Potato chips aren ' t rubbery and blubbery like fat . they ' re crispy and crunchy like lettuce . that proves they ' re diet food 薯片不像肥肉一樣有彈性和多脂,他們像生菜一樣清脆、易碎,這證明他是很好的減肥食品。

Potato chips aren ' t rubbery and blubbery like fat , they ' re crispy and crunchy like lettuce , that proves they ' re diet food 薯片不像脂肪那樣多脂、有彈性,他們很脆并像生菜一樣易碎,那證明他們是低熱量食品。

Tantalising lobster sauce mixed with garlic and ginger brings out the fresh and succulent lobster meat and crunchy shrimp balls 香濃的蝦汁混和冶味的蒜蓉姜汁,帶出蝦肉的鮮味和蝦丸的爽脆口感。

And egg white . the delicate sauce is evenly absorbed in the golden fried noodles that are crunchy on the outside while soft on the inside 面底煎得金黃,外面香脆,里面軟滑淋以鮮奶和蛋白烹

Dry products consist of crunchy kibbles , which help reduce the build - up of plaque and tartar on a cat ' s teeth 干糧主要是成分是生脆的谷物,其主要是有助于減少貓咪牙齒的結石。

The soft egg white absorbs the essence of the crab meat and roe . the prawns in salted egg yolk are crunchy and scrumptious 香滑的蛋白吸收了蟹肉和蟹粉的鮮味伴碟的蝦球蘸上

Do not meddle in the affairs of drangons , because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup 別去管龍的閑事,因為你本身松脆可口,特別在抹上番茄醬后更是美味無比。