
crunch vi.,vt.嘎扎嘎扎地咀嚼(餅干等);(車輪、皮靴等)...


The dinosaurs surviving the crunch 危境中存活的恐龍們

Will the credit crunch continue 信貸緊縮還將持續嗎?

He was caught in a financial crunch 他陷入財政危機。

People who crunch nuts at the movies can be very annoying 看電影時嘎吱作聲地嚼干果的人會使人十分討厭。

I ' m telling you , those asian guys love crunching numbers 讓我告訴你這些亞洲佬就喜歡處理這些數字什么的

Abdominal crunch handle , curl bar with rotating center , weight shrouds 劃艇把手,踝部拉繩,鍛?腹部的把

The machine can crunch the rock up 這臺機器可作碎石之用。

He iikes the sound of crunching bones . not your screams 它喜歡聽嘎嗒嘎嗒咬碎骨頭的聲音,并非你的尖叫

Me , i ' ll . i ' ll crunch the numbers 我,我來處理數字上面的東西

And the crunch could become more acute 所以競爭將更為激烈。

The wheels crunched the gravel 車輪碾在碎石上嘎吱嘎吱地響

The sound of bones crunching it ' s great 骨折的聲音。真是棒!

Easing the credit and liquidity crunch - 紓緩信貸和流動資金緊縮

Me , i ' ll . . . i ' ll crunch the numbers 我,我來處理數字上面的東西

The mortgage crunch makes matters worse 貸款緊縮使得情況更糟。

Own houses are feeling the crunch 的中層階層開始感受到經濟危機

I got no taste , but i still got crunch 我沒有味覺,但我還嚼得動

Uh , peter , we ' re really in a crunch 哦,彼得,我們真的遇到危機了

Number - crunching motherfuckers , man . it ain ' t like it used to be 太他媽多的這樣的人世風日下