
crumple vt.,vi.揉皺;擊潰;變皺,折壞;崩潰。 crump...


People ' s lives came to a grinding halt when power lines crumpled under the weight of the ice 電力線路在冰凍的重壓下癱瘓了,人們的生命受到嚴重威脅。

Her shoes were old , and her necktie was in that crumpled , flattened state which time and much wearing impart 她的鞋子也是舊的,領帶已經又皺又扁。

Now it is very soft , squash it up . so that is how you get this nice and crumpled texture 這時的餅非常柔軟,再把它壓扁,得到漂亮、皺皺的紋理。

As he hit the 5 ) asphalt , his body 6 ) crumpled into a roll , breaking his fall 在快要落到瀝青面的時候,他蜷縮起身子,以減緩墜落時的撞擊。

The girls all crumpled up when tom walked in wearing his funny clothes 湯姆穿了件怪模怪樣的衣服走了進來,姑娘們見了個個笑得前仰后合。

I found a crumpled tear - stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk , an english paper 我在他桌子深處找到一張皺巴巴的滿是淚跡的紙。

Dart point crumple 省尖起泡

Crumple at top collar 領面起泡

Crumples at top collar 領外口松

Crumples at dart point 拉鏈起皺

Must be tightly crumpled 必須緊緊地壓皺

His fingers drew forth the letter and crumpled the envelope in his pocket 他用指頭把信拽出,并在兜里將信封揉成一團。

Then , reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills 接著,他從枕頭底下拿出一些被壓地皺巴巴的紙幣。

Then , reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills 接著,他伸手到枕頭底下,拿出一把皺巴巴的鈔票。

An hour later all the fancy dresses were crumpled and untidy 過了一個鐘頭以后,大家穿的衣裳都給揉皺了,湊亂不堪了。

Then , reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled upbills 接著小孩從枕頭下拿出一些被弄皺了的鈔票。

Looking for grub . wait . he threw down among them a crumpled paper ball 他把揉成一團的紙25朝海鷗群中擲去。

He put on a crumpled suit 他穿上一件皺巴巴的西裝。

Thus he thought , and crumpled up and sank down upon the wet earth 他這樣想著,一下子崩潰了,癱到濕地上。