
crummy n.〔英方〕曲角牛;牛。


People say the lord works in mysterious ways . as if that makes all the crummy things in life any sweeter . death is equally mysterious , but there ' s no sugar - coating that turd 人們說上帝做事情都很神秘。就好像那樣做可以讓一切骯臟的事情變得甜美。死亡也是一樣的神秘,但是卻沒有糖衣將這臭物包裹。

4 what a rotten day ! what a terrible day ! pretty awful , huh ? it ' s crummy . it ' s lousy . this really stinks . it ' s gloomy . it ' s depressing . this really gets me down 好爛的天氣!天氣真糟糕!天氣很糟糕,不是嗎?真糟糕。天氣很糟糕。天氣真的很糟糕。天氣很陰沉。它令人沮喪。這種天氣真使我難受。

To win the war against crummy software , watch this column for information about common mistakes , and good ideas that can help you write more secure code 為了避免撰寫這種拙劣的軟體,請閱讀本專欄,以得到有關常見錯誤的資訊和可以幫助您撰寫更安全程式的好主意。

Ll : yeah , but he ' s not a very good landlord . he takes forever to fix anything , and even when he finally fixes something , he usually does a crummy job 抱歉? ,我真希望我能幫忙,可是我既不會修計算機,也不會修空調你有沒有通知你的房東,要他來修空調呢?

Ll : yeah , but he ' s not a very good landlord . he takes forever to fix anything , and even when he finally fixes something , he usually does a crummy job 抱歉耶,我真希望我能幫忙,可是我既不會修電腦,也不會修空調。你有沒有通知你的房東,要他來修空調呢?

Air india , the state - owned carrier , is crummy by comparison , though it is improving 它的服務是一流水準的,相比之下,印度的國有航空公司印度航空雖然在提高但情況仍然糟糕。

According to a study of british workers , a crummy boss in the office could be slowly killing you 一份針對英國勞工的研究表明,遇上糟糕的老板將會縮短壽命

* crummy . . . dummy . . . * - i tell you that some things a man just can ' t take *肥胖的… …無聊的… … * -我告訴你有些事情是男人無法忍受的。

There s just one flavor good enough for me , yah me don t gimme no crummy taste spoon 那是我最寶貝的回憶以前你問我到底多愛你我沒有回應

Crummy . . . dummy . . . - i tell you that some things a man just can ' t take 肥胖的… …無聊的… … -我告訴你有些事情是男人無法忍受的。

What a crummy day 多倒霉的一天。

Crummy . dummy . - i tell you that some things a man just can ' t take 肥胖的無聊的-我告訴你有些事情是男人無法忍受的。

A crummy little rowboat 一條破舊的小劃艇

These are crummy circumstances 情況很復雜

This was the only crummy job i could find in this economy 在這種經濟環境下,我唯一能找到的就是這么寒酸的工作。

This was the only crummy job i could find in this economy 在這種經濟情況下,我唯一能找到的就是這么寒酸的工作。

How you ' ll end up with a crummy job to support your family , 你怎么不干那份養家糊口的工作了?

How can we expect them to feel crummy enough about themselves .問題在于如何讓他們自慚形穢

Then ride off into the sunset with your crummy guitar 然后帶著你的骯臟的吉他在陽光中前進