
crumbly adj.易碎的,脆弱的。


Once you ' ve fought your way through the packaging , the reward is a trail of chocolate - looking paste painted across a pale , desiccated slab of mint chocolate chip ice cream mounted on a crumbly , gritty chocolate cookie crust 一旦你通過包裝與方法作斗爭,報酬是越過薄片冰淇淋在一個易弄碎的、有砂礫的巧克力餅干外殼上裝了的薄荷巧克力的一個蒼白的、弄干的平板油漆的看起來巧克力的漿糊的一條小道。

More adventurous visitors climb wilder , crumblier sections that are not officially open to the public and stretches near the capital have become popular sites for summer raves 但有更多大膽游客攀爬位處更荒涼、 (墻體)更脆弱,而且未正式對外開放的長城段,至于位置靠近北京的長城段,則已成為最受歡迎的夏日瘋狂派對的地點。

More adventurous visitors climb wilder , crumblier sections that are not officially open to the public and stretches near the capital have become popular sites for summer raves 愈來愈多生性大膽冒險的游客攀登更原始、更殘破的部分,但這并未正式對外開放,而靠近首都那段更成為最受歡迎的夏日狂歡地點。

Tinea unguium - fungal infection on toenails or fingernails . the color of the infected nails changes to gray , and the nails become thickened , curled and crumbly 甲癬-俗稱灰甲,真菌侵蝕腳趾甲或手指甲,會令指甲變色、變形、加厚及變得脆弱易碎。

Tinea unguium - fungal infection on toenails or fingernails . the color of the infected nails changes to gray , and the nails become thickened , curled and crumbly 甲癬-俗稱灰甲,真菌侵蝕腳趾甲或手指甲,會令指甲變色變形加厚及變得脆弱易碎。

Prepare almond crumb topping . in medium bowl , combine flour , brown sugar , almonds and cinnamon . mix in softened butter until mixture is crumbly 先備杏仁層。取一中盆,放入面粉,砂糖,杏仁和肉桂粉混合。然后加入軟化的牛油。混合成粗碎末狀。

The egg is originally crumbly , the very thin outer shell protects the internal organs of the liquid , once the boiled water cook , the internal organs become hard 雞蛋原來是易碎的,薄薄的外殼保護著液態的內臟,開水一煮,內臟變硬。

Luckily , the soil was dry and crumbly . “ i wanted to live ; the instinct was strong . i was about a metre deep 由于土層干燥松軟,加上頑強的求生本能,他從地下一米處為自己扒出了一條生路。

The cycle repeated over and over again , building up a series of crusty , crumbly layers 這樣的循環一次次重復,形成了一層層硬且易碎的巖層。