
crumble vt.弄碎,粉碎。vi.破碎;崩潰,潰散;滅亡,消滅。 ...


Large beams crumbled the delivery truck 巨大的橫梁把運輸車壓碎。

The earthquake makes the wall sink and start to crumble 這次地震把這堵墻震得下陷并開始崩塌。

My heart won ' t crumble , my heart won ' t crumble 我的心再也不會碎了

Large beams crumbled the delivery truck 巨大的橋梁砸壞這輛卡車。

They crumbled , became moldy , dried out 它們易碎、發霉、變干。

What ' s wrong , monster ? your skin ' s starting to crumble 怎么了,怪物?你的身體開始粉碎了呢

The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble 這次地震把這堵墻震得下陷并開始崩塌

Large beams crumbled the delivery truck 巨大的橫梁把火車壓得粉碎。

The old wall is crumbling away at the edges 那道古墻的邊緣逐漸崩塌。

You breathe on it wrong , and it will crumble 不小心呼氣上去,就會破壞

Crumbling underneath his feet because some cat was bumping 拜倒在他腳下因為歌迷太興奮

Public support for the war is crumbling 公眾對于戰爭的支持正在逐漸減弱。

I will love you until the seas run dry and the rocks crumble 我將愛你直到海枯石爛。

The damaged wall section had begun to crumble completely 損毀的城墻開始完全粉碎。

And the walls of doubt , crumble tost and torn 人們之間互相猜疑之墻,倒塌了。

I will love you until the seas run dry and the rocks crumble 我將愛你直到海枯

To realize the world was crumbling around her 感受到她心中的世界已經崩塌了。

The wall of strength i had built was crumbling 我所建立起來的精神支柱正在崩潰。

She crumbled an empty snail shell in her fingers 她用手指捏碎了一個空蝸牛殼。