
cruiser n.1.巡洋艦。2.游艇(=cabin cruiser)...


Cruiser sized modules will no longer drop in serpentis battleship wrecks 天蛇戰列艦將不再掉落適合巡洋艦使用的裝備。

Anti - frigate gunboats . the middle ground between a frigate and a cruiser 反護衛艦炮艦。它是在護衛艦和巡洋艦之間。

Interplanetary cruisers games 射擊飛碟小游戲

4455 interplanetary cruisers games 星際小蜜蜂

Once the shield is down , our cruisers will create a perimeter . . 一旦護盾被解除,我們的巡洋艦將建立一道環行防線

Clg guided missile light cruiser 輕型導彈巡洋艦

Once the shield is down , our cruisers will create a perimeter 一旦護盾被解除,我們的巡洋艦將建立一道環行防線

Can you fly a cruiser like this 你會開這飛船嗎?

The u . s . twin - screw cruiser 美國雙螺旋槳巡洋艦。

Lexington class battle cruiser 列辛頓級戰斗巡洋艦

You mean , do i know how to land what ' s left of this cruiser 你是賽艇手,阿納金- -你知道怎樣駕駛這種巡洋艦嗎

She came by to borrow the land cruiser 來向我借車. .

The disabled cruiser fell behind the rest of the squadron 失去戰斗力的巡洋艦落在中隊其他艦只的后面了。

Interplanetary cruisers introduction 星際巡洋艦游戲攻略

The argentine second biggest cruiser was sunk by british torpedoes 阿軍的第二大巡洋艦被英軍魚雷擊沉。

It is the biggest cruiser ever built for the royal navy 它是皇家海軍迄今為止建造的最大的一艘巡洋艦。

There isn ' t enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser 這里冰天雪地的沒有那么多生命體的

The army dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order 部隊派一艘巡洋艦至該島以恢復秩序。

A cruiser was dispatched to the island to restore order 一艘巡洋艦被火速地派到該島恢復秩序。