
cruise n.1.(軍艦等)巡邏,巡航。2.〔口語〕游覽,旅行,周...

cruise missile

Copyright 2007 by star cruises all rights reserved 版權所有2007年麗星郵輪公司不得轉載

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 此次地中海之旅在驚魂未定中結束。

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次的地中海航行以觸礁沉沒告終。

Cruise is one of the devotees of scientology 克魯斯是一名科學教派的信徒。

Question : how old is the captain of the cruise 問題:這個游輪的船長幾歲?

Study of cruise control system based on pic singlechip 單片機汽車巡航控制系統的研究

That ' s why nicole divorced tom cruise 尼克就是因為這個跟湯姆克魯斯離婚的!

Development of new cruise terminal facilities in hong kong 在香港發展新郵輪碼頭設施

Kirsten : so , caleb and julie are off on their cruise Caleb和julie要出去旅行

His job was working in those luxurious cruises 他的工作完全是在那些奢侈的游輪上。

And then a month later the cruise booked the diamond 一個月后郵輪開始鉆石展

Jump off to a great cruise in hong kong 跳上甲板,細賞維多利亞港令人屏息的景致。

The ship will leave here for a ten days ' cruise 此船將離開這里做十天的巡航。

Cruising life and death games - 4455 miniclip games 生死巡航攻略- 4399小游戲網

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次地中海之旅慘淡收場。

Mr . cruise does it to all his favorite props 克魯斯先生在他最喜歡的道具上都裝了

Kone wins major order for norwegian cruise line ships 通力贏得挪威郵輪重點訂單

Even went to waikiki alone on the 8 - day cruise package 甚至獨自參加了夏威夷8日游

These cruise ships can turn round in two days 這些游船可用兩天的時間裝卸完畢