
cruelty n.1.殘酷,冷酷,刻毒。2.〔pl.〕殘酷行為,橫蠻行...

cruelty man

I don ' t know how she puts up with his cruelty to her 我不明白她怎麼能容忍他的虐待。

I don ' t know how she puts up with his cruelty to her 我不明白她怎么能忍受她的虐待。

It is cruelty to the innocent not to punish the guilty 不懲罰罪犯就是對無辜者殘忍。

Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people 對罪犯的仁慈,就是對人民的殘忍。

Aspca american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals 美國防止虐待動物協會

How can one stand by and see such cruelty 看到這樣的殘酷行徑,怎么能夠毫不理會呢?

We remonstrated against cruelty to animals 我們向對動物的殘酷行為提出進言。

Mercy to the criminal is cruelty to the people 罪犯的仁慈就是對人民的殘忍。

We must all fight against cruelty and unfairness 我們都應該反對殘忍和不公平的事。

The name of stalin is associated with cruelty 史達林的名字與殘暴聯想在一起。

Cruelty was quite alien to his nature / to him 殘忍的行為與他的本性[與他]格格不入

Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people 對犯罪的仁慈局勢對人民的殘忍

She decided she had had her fill of his cruelty 她認為自己已經受夠了他的虐待

We ' ll never forget the cruelties of the invaders 我們永遠不會忘記入侵者的暴行。

Cruelty an injustice often make our blood boil 殘暴與不公正常常使我們怒不可遏。

The king ' s cruelty excited a rising of the people 國王的殘暴引起了人民的反抗。

There was an aspect of cold and sullen cruelty stamped upon them that revolted me, which, indeed, in some cases was almost uncanny in its intensity . 他們臉上都帶著那么一幅冷漠、陰沉、殘忍的神態,我覺得非常反感,有時我的這種反感會強烈得連我自己也感到不可思議。

The vicious cruelty that marred the fine lines of the mouth had, no doubt, appeared at the very moment that the girl had drunk the poison, whatever it was . 肯定就在姑娘喝下了不知什么毒物的時候,惡毒而殘忍的表情扭曲了它嘴部優美的線條。

One of the cruelties of unemployment is that it tends to fall most heavily on the poorer half of the economy . 失業中糟糕的事情之一就是它把大部分重擔壓在了較為貧困的那一半人身上。