
crudity n.生,未熟;生硬;蕪雜,粗雜;未成熟物,未成品;粗魯的...


Efficacy : contain several moisture elements , supply enough nutrient for hair , lasting keep wet , high elastic case - hardened cell , give hair sculpt action but not oily crudity feeling , make your hair refreshing and nature , you can sculpt any unique style as you want 功效:富含多種保濕成份,為秀發提供充分的營養,持久保濕,高彈性定型因子,給予造型富有動感且無粘膩生硬的感覺,讓秀發清爽自然,讓你隨時隨地按照心中所想塑造出別具一格的個性發型

Efficacy : special straight silky formula can prevent coarseness and curl which caused by damp season , smooth the curl hair , give prominence to the straightness , make your hair natural straight but not crudity , natural silky the whole day 功效:特有的直爽絲順配方,防止毛糙和在潮濕季節秀發彎曲塌陷,整平翹發,突出條感,令秀發自然垂順而不生硬,即使被打亂后也能輕松回復垂順狀態,自然順滑一整天!

Teacher ' s creativity goes through crudity to maturity . the development of teacher ' s creativity could be divided into 2 stages : one is the stage dominated by imitation , the other is the stage taking on more creative look 教師創造性發展的階段性是指教師從開始教學到逐漸成熟,形成獨特的富于創造性的教學風格,是個模仿性因素逐漸減少,而獨創性因素日益增加的過程。

Reflect shen congwen ' s interpretation of life authenticity through an analysis of crudity , ignorance , the good and the beautiful in his works 摘要通過對沈從文作品中展現的人的原始性、蒙昧性和真與美的人性分析,反映沈從文先生對生命本真性的理解。

He noticed the bad grammar used by his shipmates , and made a point of mentally correcting and reconstructing their crudities of speech 他注意到伙伴們蹩腳的語法,便刻意改正他們話語中的粗率不文之處,以求進步。

She has revealed the truth of the common marriage : helplessness and endurance , crudity and warmth 她寫出了普通人婚姻的真諦:無奈與忍耐,粗糙中溫情洋溢。

I would never met such crudity before . 我從未見過這樣粗魯的行徑。