
crude adj.1.天然的,未加工的。2.粗(制)的,低級的;未...


As an intellectual goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in munich . 戈培爾是個知識分子,看不起慕尼黑領導層不學無術的市儈庸人。

And optimum selection of crude types to meet market requirements by blending is necessary . 因此,必須選擇適當的餾分油,用調合法使它滿足市場的要求。

The term crude oil is restricted to liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons and related compounds . 原油這個術語是指烴類和與烴類有關的化合物的液態混合物。

It was soon found that the kerosene straight from crude oil was sometimes not very satisfactory . 不久就發現原油中的直餾煤油有時并不使人滿意。

His egotism had never taken the crude form of desiring a dull wife . 他的利己主義從來沒有表現為一種粗俗的形式,滿足于得到一個百依百順的妻子。

Many other investigators had obtained crude estimate for the value of the charge quantum . 當時,許多其他研究者也得到了電荷量子的粗略估計值。

In the u.s. much of the desolventized crude oil is degummed at the extraction plant . 在美國,多數脫溶原油,是在萃取加工廠內進行脫膠處理。

Gradually the crude early selling methods changed and became more respectable too . 那種拙劣的推銷術也逐漸有所改變,顯得比較體面、正派了。

The extremely crude treatment serves to estimate the order of magnitude of the response . 精確度很差的處理方法可以用來估計響應的數量級。

Behind the crude lectern, off to a side, stands a curtained puppet theatre . 在粗糙的讀經臺后面,偏向一邊,是一座掛著幕布的木偶戲臺。

The gas-jets on either side of the mirror flooded her with warm crude light . 鏡子兩邊的凡斯燈光,放出溫暖而粗糙的光亮,在浸照著她。

And so the first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portion . 因此,第一步就要將原油分解成更易處理的餾分。

The crude reds and greens and blues of that coloured glass held us there . 彩色玻璃天然的紅色、綠色、藍色把我們吸引在那里。

So the first stage is to split the crude oil into move manageable portions . 因此,第一步就要將原油分割成更易處理的餾分。

The world supply of crude oil grew at least as fast as world demand . 世界原油供給的增長至少同世界需求的增長一樣快。

In any other country the review would be known by a crude name . 在其它任何國家,這種調查都會得到一個難聽的名字。

How fastened were his memories to a crude and raw past . 他記憶中的往事是多么緊密地跟一個粗鄙不堪的過去拴在一起。

The first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portions . 第一步就要將原油分割成更易處理的餾分。

In fact, a speciality crude is suitable only for bitumen production . 事實上,這種特性的原油只適宜于生產瀝青。