
crud n.1.〔俚語〕沉渣。2.可鄙的人或物。3.〔美國〕怪病...


This paper introduces the design and implementation of a general - purpose framework for object persisting based on . net in detail , which provides user with transparent service to persist object with relational database . this paper not only introduces the application of primary function such as crud but also discusses the way to optimist the framework and the management of transaction and concurrency of objects Net平臺上一個基于o / r映射理論的通用持久層框架的設計實現過程,該持久層框架為用戶提供了透明的對象持久化方法,并通過使用設計模式,使得該框架更具擴展性。

Methods tlc was used to identify the 6 kinds of crud drugs ( lycium barbarum , chrysanthemum morifolium , comas officinalis , paeonia suffruticosa , alisma orientalis , and rehmannia glutinosa ) , and all the established methods were used to examine the stability of three batches of the granules at mom temperature and acceleratin conditions 方法以薄層層析法鑒別杞菊地黃顆粒中枸杞子、菊花、山茱萸、牡丹皮、澤瀉、熟地黃等6味藥材;對該制劑3批樣品及加速試驗樣品進行考察。

Martin fowler describes an active record as “ an object that wraps a row in a database table or view , encapsulates the database access , and adds domain logic on that data . “ in rails , each domain object extends Martin fowler將active record描述為“包裝數據庫表或視圖中數據行的對象,封裝數據庫訪問,在數據上添加域邏輯” 。在rails中,每個域對象都將擴展提供crud操作的

To put it another way , managing data means developing robust , scalable , and maintainable software systems for successful crud operations that are guaranteed to perform consistently through the life of the software 換句話說,管理數據意味著開發穩健的、可擴展和可維護的軟件系統,以確保成功地進行crud操作,在軟件的生命期中能夠以一致的方式執行操作。

Managing data in enterprise systems involves performing the crud operations consistently and successfully for a long period of time without having to frequently change the code that actually performs the operations 管理在企業系統的數據涉及在很長一段時間范圍之內,始終如一地、成功地執行crud操作,而不必頻繁地更改實際執行這些操作的代碼。

Their thin - layer chromatographic of volatile oil and extract of alcohol of crud drugs are consisten basically , but the spot of naixiong is obvious small . the coutent of their total volatile oils have been determined 奶芎、山川芎與川芎揮發油和藥材乙醇浸出物的薄層色譜顯示:各組分基本相似,但奶芎的斑點明顯較小。

A worf based web service using a dadx file can be used to execute a stored procedure as well as crud methods to invoke sql statements directly to insert , update , delete , or query your data 基于web服務的worf (使用一個dadx文件)可用來執行存儲過程和crud方法,從而調用sql語句,直接插入、更新、刪除或查詢數據。

Rife crud uses constraints and bean properties to build an application s user interface , the site structure , the persistence logic , and the business logic automatically Rife / crud使用約束和bean屬性自動地構建應用程序的用戶界面、站點結構、持久性邏輯和業務邏輯。

One new java framework that s moving toward sophistication as a wrapping framework is rife and its subproject rife crud , created by geert bevin see 一個目前正在成熟的作為包裝框架的新java框架是rife (還有它的子項目rife / crud ) ,由geert bevin創建(請參閱

The example web application is essentially a simple create , read , update , and delete crud listing that manages inventory for an online cd store 這個示例web程序實際上是一個非常簡單的創建、閱讀、更新并刪除( crud )一個在線cd倉庫中庫存的程序。

Rife crud relies heavily on rife s metadata capabilities to generate the interface and the relevant apis , but it still functions with pojos Rife / crud嚴重地依賴rife的元數據功能來生成界面和相關的api ,但它仍然應用于pojo 。

Rife crud is completely extensible through rife s clearly defined integration points in its api , templates , and component architecture 由于rife在它的api 、模板和組件架構中清晰地定義了集成點, rife / crud是完全可擴展的。

I ve used facelets to create an entire library of composition components , custom facelet tags , and functions for an internal crud framework 我已經用facelets創建了復合組件、定制facelet標記和內部crud框架功能的整個庫。

Rife crud sits on top of all of these frameworks , providing a very small layer that groups all of them together Rife / crud位于所有這些框架的頂部,提供了一個非常小的層,把所有其他層組合在一起。

It s a create , read , update , and delete crud listing that manages inventory for an online cd store 它為一家在線cd店管理庫存,創建、讀取、更新和刪除( crud )清單。

However , all the code required for performing crud operations needs to be written by the developer 然而,執行crud操作所需的所有代碼都是由開發人員編寫。

Objective to establish detection methods of 6 kinds of crud drugs in qiju dihuang granules 摘要目的建立杞菊地黃顆粒中部分藥材的薄層鑒別方法。

Crud functionality isn t always at the top of the list when it comes to design 對于設計來說, crud功能并不總是最重要的。

You know , this kind of crud is what kept you out of the force for 25 years 你知道的,就是這種痞子使你失去25年的權利