
crucify vt.-fied1.釘[綁]在十字架上;處以釘在十字架的...


But they continued to shout , saying , crucify , crucify him 21無奈他們一直喊著說,釘?十字架!釘?十字架!

After the soidiers had crucified jesus , they took his ciothes 兵丁將耶穌釘上十字架后,就取走他的衣物

To aiiow them to break the iegs of the men who had been crucified . . 讓他們打斷被釘上十字架的人的腿. .

To aiiow them to break the iegs of the men who had been crucified 讓他們打斷被釘上十字架的人的腿

So he then handed him over to them to be crucified 約19 : 16于是彼拉多將耶穌交給他們去釘十字架。

Crucified alongside our lord savior 在我們的主的身邊被釘死… …

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you 因一如愛為你戴上桂冠,她也必釘你于十字架。

Oh , lord : why you gone and be crucified by law 上帝啊!你為什么要以身試法?讓文明自己救自己呢。

Then they crucified the poor bugger 最后把那可憐人釘在十字架上

Crucify him not in thy mind nor in thy bodily activities 不要在你的思想中、行為中將他上十架。

Upon their arrival in nagasaki he had them crucified 在抵達長崎之后,他把他們釘死在十字架上。

Holy shit , i thought they were gonna crucify us upside down 奶奶的,我以為他們要把我釘死在那

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you 愛雖可為你們加冕,也能將你們釘上十字架。

And again they cried out , crucify him 13他們又喊著說,釘?十字架!

Jesus christ was crucified on the cross 耶穌基督被釘死在十字架上。

I was there when they crucified him , 他在十字架被釘死的時候我也在場

And they cried out again , crucify him 他們又喊著說、把他釘十字架。

You take him , then , and crucify him 那么你們自己把他釘上十字架吧。

Pilate saith unto them , shall i crucify your king ? 彼拉多說,我可以把你們的王釘十字架嗎。