
crucifixion n.1.被釘死在十字架。2.〔the C-〕耶穌被釘死在...


Mary ' s presence at the crucifixion and jesus ' s tomb , while hardly conclusive , is at least consonant with the role of grieving wife and widow , although if that were the case jesus might have been expected to make provision for her care as well as for his mother mary 瑪麗亞在耶穌的受難和墓穴中出現,盡管幾乎不能確實,但至少與悲痛的妻子和寡婦的角色協調一致,雖然耶穌的情形很可能是期待去對她的照顧預作安排,與她的母親瑪麗亞的情形一樣。

When they arrived there , like many other visitors to the church who follow the armenian tradition , master purchased a dozen yellow candles , anchored them in the sand and silently prayed . she then stood in front of a mosaic of jesus crucifixion and continued her silent prayers 抵達之后,她像其他教堂訪客一樣遵行亞美尼亞的傳統,買了十二枝黃色蠟燭,插入沙里,然后默禱,然后又到耶穌被釘在十字架的圖像前繼續默禱。

As we come around the emblems of the body and blood of our lord , we know that , as recorded by paul in hebrews , our lord was able to overcome the challenges of his trial and crucifixion through his firm and steadfast belief in the joy that was set before him 今天這擺在我們面前代表耶酥身體和血的餅和酒告訴我們,就像保羅在希伯來書中寫到的,我們的主因為堅定地相信等在他前面的喜悅而戰勝了各種試探和死亡。

Then when his disciples slept in the garden and he knew the soldiers were coming and they would take him , bringing him to trial and then to the crucifixion , he admonished them , but he did not get angry with them . he said , ?安安靜靜,門徒在客西馬尼園睡著了, ?知道兵丁要來捉拿? ,帶?去受審,然后釘死? ?勸勉了他們,沒有生他們的氣, ?說:

The usual penalty for sedition was a humiliating death by crucifixion , but according to the gospels , the roman governor pontius pilate ruled that jesus was not guilty of any such civil crime 煽動暴亂的處決方式通常是被釘在十字架上,羞辱地死去,但根據福音書上所說,羅馬總督彼拉多裁定,耶穌并沒有犯任何的罪。

The exhibition covers the early period of bacon ' s work including the tritych “ three studies for figures at the base of a crucifixion “ derived from picasso ' s “ crucifixion “ . “ picasso is the reason why i paint 這項展覽囊括了培根的早期作品,包括源于畢卡索的耶穌受難的三聯畫以耶穌受難為本的三張習作。

The ahmadiyya movement in islam believes that jesus survived the crucifixion and later travelled to india , where he lived and died as a prophet under the name of yuz asaf 伊斯蘭的阿哈默底亞運動認為耶穌從那次受難中生存下來,后來去了印度,并且在那里繼續生活,作為一位叫“約茲?亞薩夫”的先知而死去。

The most remarkable thing was that the convenient method practitioner even witnessed the scene of jesus christ s crucifixion on a dark , rainy night amid sparks of light 最令人驚訝的事就是那位只修方便法的準同修還親眼看到一幅下著雨的黑夜里,只有一點點光,耶穌被釘在十字架的景象。

Well this too may manifest as a world event for all to see , and then through such a manifestation , allow the karma for crucifixion to be cleared by those who are ascending 唔,這也可能顯化成一個世界事件來讓所有人見證,然后藉由這樣一個顯化,讓受難業力由提升人們來清理完畢。

The shroud of turin ( or turin shroud ) is an ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have been physically traumatized in a manner consistent with crucifixion 都靈裹尸布是一塊古代亞麻布料,帶有一個男人的肖像,看上去身體上受了傷,是以受難的方式相一致。

Easter is a christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead on the sunday after his crucifixion on good friday and marking the end of lent 復活節是基督教的節日,用來紀念耶穌在受難日(周五)之后的那個星期日復活,同時也標志著四旬齋的結束。

As he realizes the power of christ ' s crucifixion , he lives as one who has died to the world and to sin , and the power becomes a reality in his life 當他認識基督釘十字架的權能時,他向著世界和罪惡就是死的,而向著神乃是活著的了,并且這個權能也就成了他生命中的實際。

It celebrates the resurrection of jesus , which his followers believe occurred on the third day after his death by crucifixion some time in the period ad 27 to 33 他象征著重生與希望,為紀念耶蘇基督于公元30到33年之間被釘死在十字架之后第三天復活的日子。

He had none of the emotional negative infrastructure that would provoke him to prevaricate . surely he was not seeking honor and glory at the price of a crucifixion 他們說,若你想得到光榮,你便不應該上十字架,這樣做是不行的,這完全不合理。

The chronology of jesus ' life is uncertain , as the gospels mainly describe the events immediately prior to his crucifixion and no dates are known 耶穌的生平年表不是非常確定,因為福音書只是描述了一些在他受刑之前的事件且沒有提供日期。

And all the more so when you remember that what we commemorate today ( celebrate is hardly the word ) is the crucifixion of jesus christ 更是因為如此,因而你記得我們今天所悼念(慶祝根本不是適合的用詞)的是耶穌被釘十字架上的所受之難。

In accordance with the four canonical gospel accounts christians believe that jesus was raised from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion 依照四本規范的福音書所述,基督教相信耶穌是在被釘十字架后在第三天從死亡中復活。

As madonna ' s confessions tour comes to an end in japan this week , the artist has released a statement regarding the much talked about crucifixion scene 告白巡演接近尾聲時,麥當娜自己解釋了受爭議的十字架表演。

It has , also , a crucifixion in high relief , in a cellar , with a sun of gilded wood . these things are fairly marvellous 它在一個地窖里還有一座圓雕的耶穌受難像和一個鍍金的木雕太陽,都是奇妙無比的東西。