
crucifix n.(十字架狀)耶穌受難像;(象征基督教信仰的)十字架。


Villefort drew his armchair nearer to madame danglars ; then resting both hands upon his desk he said in a voice more hollow than usual : “ there are crimes which remain unpunished because the criminals are unknown , and we might strike the innocent instead of the guilty ; but when the culprits are discovered “ villefort here extended his hand toward a large crucifix placed opposite to his desk - “ when they are discovered , i swear to you , by all i hold most sacred , that whoever they may be they shall die . now , after the oath i have just taken , and which i will keep , madame , dare you ask for mercy for that wretch ! 維爾福把他的圈椅向騰格拉爾夫人的椅子挪過一些然后,他兩手支在桌子上,用一種比往常更暗啞的聲音說, “是有犯罪未受懲罰,這是因為我還不知道罪犯是誰,我怕會錯罰了無辜的人,一旦罪犯被發現, ”說到這里,維爾福把他的手伸向他桌子對面的一個十字架, “一旦他們被發現,我面對上帝發誓,夫人,不論他們是誰,都得去死!

I must dip my hand again and again in the basin of blood and water , and wipe away the trickling gore . i must see the light of the unsnuffed candle wane on my employment ; the shadows darken on the wrought , antique tapestry round me , and grow black under the hangings of the vast old bed , and quiver strangely over the doors of a great cabinet opposite - whose front , divided into twelve panels , bore , in grim design , the heads of the twelve apostles , each enclosed in its separate panel as in a frame ; while above them at the top rose an ebon crucifix and a dying christ 我得把手一次次浸入那盆血水里,擦去淌下的鮮血,我得在忙碌中眼看著沒有剪過燭蕊的燭光漸漸暗淡下去,陰影落到了我周圍精致古老的掛毯上,在陳舊的大床的帷幔下變得越來越濃重,而且在對面一個大柜的門上奇異地抖動起來柜子的正面分成十二塊嵌板,嵌板上畫著十二使徒的頭,面目猙獰,每個頭單獨占一塊嵌板,就像在一個框框之中。

At this moment he expressed only ecstatic joy , love of god , detachment from the world , and a wish for a speedy departure from the physical body . he called on the names of jesus , mary and joseph , kissed the crucifix he was holding and pressed it to his heart , crying , now i am at the source of blessedness as if to say that he was aware of entering the region of heavenly light 當時他表示自己感受到無限的喜悅和上帝的圣愛,不留戀世界,滿心希望趕快解脫肉體的束縛,他稱頌耶穌圣母瑪利亞約瑟夫的圣名,并親吻握在手中的十字架,然后將它放在胸口,大聲說道:此刻我正處于恩典的源頭。

There were the two watchmen , sure enough : red - cap on his back , as stiff as a handspike , with his arms stretched out like those of a crucifix , and his teeth showing through his open lips ; israel hands propped against the bulwarks , his chin on his chest , his hands lying open before him on the deck , his face as white , under its tan , as a tallow candle 那里赫然是兩個留守的海盜。戴紅帽的那個家伙四腳朝天躺在那里一動不動,著牙咧著嘴,伸著兩條胳膊,像被釘在了十字架上。伊斯萊爾靠舷墻坐著,兩腿筆直地伸著,下巴耷拉在胸前,雙手張開平放在他面前的甲板上,棕黑色的臉已蒼白如蠟。

There was something ascetic in her look , was augmented by the extreme plainness of a straight - skirted , black , stuff dress , a starched linen collar , hair combed away from the temples , and the nun - like ornament of a string of ebony beads and a crucifix 極度樸實的穿著和打扮,增強了這種色彩。她穿著黑色緊身呢裙,配著上過漿的亞麻領子,頭發從兩鬢往后梳,戴著修女似的飾物,一串烏木念珠和一個十字架。

A few moments later , he returned with an altar - boy carrying a crucifix , and a sacristan who walked before them ringing a bell to announce that the lord was coming to the house of the dying woman 過不多久他又回來了,陪他一起來的是一個唱詩班的孩子,手里擎著一個耶穌受難十字架,在他們前面還走著一個教堂侍役,搖著鈴,表示天主來到了臨終者的家里。

5 . 3 for the “ veneration of the cross “ during the celebration of the lord s passion on good friday , the faithful should adopt the rite of bowing or other appropriate rites , instead of kissing the crucifix 5 . 3圣周五紀念救主苦難禮儀中朝拜苦像時,暫以鞠躬等方式,代替口親苦像的形式。

“ see , sir , “ replied caderousse , “ in this corner is a crucifix in holy wood - here on this shelf is my wife s testament ; open this book , and i will swear upon it with my hand on the crucifix “看,教士先生, ”卡德魯斯回答說, “這個角落里有一個圣木的十字架,架子上是我老婆的圣經。

There have been a series of rows in schools in recent years over the right of pupils to wear religious symbols or clothing , such as crucifixes and veils 最近在校園里有許多一連串類似穿戴宗教信仰標志的權利爭取,例如:戴十字苦架與面紗。

Ba argues that displaying the crucifix breaches uniform rules , and the airline says the cross should have been removed or worn underneath the company ' s uniform 英航公司辯解道,佩戴耶穌十字架有違制服條例,應摘除或佩戴在公司制服里面。

Lederer herrgot - a very special art treasure from the 17th century : the lederer crucifix , a larger than life statue 萊德爾黑爾高特- 17世紀的一個獨特的藝術珍品:萊德爾十字架雕像的尺寸比本人大。

Oh , yeah , sure . that ' s why you ' re still wearing her crucifix around your neck 噢,是的,當然所以你仍然在你的脖子上佩帶她的十字架

Silver stake , crucifix 銀質樁,十字架

No judas , no crucifix 沒有猶大就沒有十字架

Five , six , grab a crucifix 五,六,拿好十字架

Where was that ad some birmingham firm the luminous crucifix 我是在哪兒見到伯明翰某商行那個夜光十字架的廣告來看

Anna : a silver stake ? a crucifix 銀樁?十字架?

But if you touch this crucifix , i ' ll kill you . that ' s a promise 但是假如你碰這個十字架我會殺了你的,我保證

- come on , knock it off . - i will when you get rid of that crucifix 來,別這樣了你把那條鏈子取下,我就不這樣