
crucible n.1.坩堝;熔罐。2.很嚴酷的考驗。短語和例子in t...


Preparation of niobium - based ultrahigh - temperature alloy and selection of crucibles for directional solidification 基超高溫合金制備及定向凝固用坩堝的選擇

Standard test method for volatile matter in green petroleum coke quartz crucible procedure 測定綠色石油焦石英熔化過程中揮發物質的標準試驗方法

Have you really measured the world by scrutinies , or through alembics and crucibles 那么,這是否因為您是從蒸餾器和坩堝上來研究人類的呢?

[ niv ] the crucible for silver and the furnace for gold , but the lord tests the heart 3 [和合]鼎為煉3銀,爐為煉金;惟有耶和華4熬煉人心。

By rotating the crucible every one week or ten days , it ' s service life can be extended 每周或每十天將坩堝轉動一次,使用壽命將延長。

Crucible with cover 帶蓋的坩堝

In this sense , the chicxulub crater is the crucible of human evolution 從這個角度來說,奇虛樂隕石撞擊事件可說是人類演化的推手。

Crucible cast steel 坩堝鑄鋼

Blast furnace crucible 高爐爐缸

Crucible lifting bar 坩堝提升桿

Crucible melting furnace 坩堝式爐

Crucible steel melting 坩堝鋼熔煉

Skidmore iron crucible 斯氏鐵坩堝

Crucible steel moldboard 坩堝鋼犁壁

Crucible pouring device 坩蝸澆鑄裝置

Gerstle gary . american crucible : race and nation in the twentieth century . 2001 《美國大熔爐:二十世紀的種族和國家》 2001

The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold , but the lord tests the heart 3鼎為煉銀,爐為煉金。惟有耶和華熬煉人心。

Crucible cast steel 用坩堝煉制的高級鑄鋼

Test method for volatile matter in green petroleum coke quartz crucible procedure 深色石油焦碳石英坩鍋揮發物測試方法