
cruciate adj.【植、動】十字形的;交叉的。


Sir alex ferguson had written off the 27 - year - old for the remainder of the campaign after heinze ruptured cruciate ligaments in the champions league draw with villarreal in september 阿里克斯.弗格森爵士在去年9月對比利亞雷亞爾的冠軍杯中十字韌帶斷裂之后就認為他已經缺席了整個賽季。

The 26 - year - old winger suffered cruciate ligament damage against blackburn in march and was forced to watch from the sidelines as the reds reclaimed the premier league crown in style 26歲的韓國邊鋒是在3月份對陣布萊克本的比賽中受傷的,之后他不得不在場下見證了紅魔的奪冠。

Rocky mountain news - after suffering a torn right anterior cruciate at san antonio in the first game of the season , nene was believed to be lost for the season 自從在本賽季第一場在圣安東尼奧的比賽中右膝十字韌帶前端撕裂,內內就被認為這個賽季將不會出現在賽場。

Owen has not kicked a ball in anger since he ruptured his cruciate ligament in the opening minutes of england ' s group b clash with sweden in cologne last june 從去年6月的世界杯小組賽b組英格蘭和瑞典的比賽開場十字韌帶斷裂以來,歐文從來沒有為不能踢球而憤怒過。

Mikael silvestre is likely to miss the rest of the season after scans confirmed that he suffered a cruciate knee ligament injury against everton on saturday 邁克爾.西爾維斯特的賽季看起來已經提前結束了,掃描檢查證明他膝蓋十字韌帶在挑戰埃弗頓的比賽中受傷。

Michael owen can set his sights on a return to action after his second operation to repair his cruciate knee ligament “ went extremely well . 在為他的膝關節十字形韌帶成功進行完第二次手術后的一系列檢查中,歐文向外界表示,自己恢復得非常好,重回賽場指日可待。

Implants for osteosynthesis - bone screws and auxiliary equipment - specification for screwdrivers for screws having heads with single slot , cruciate slot or cross - recess 骨接合術用外科植入物.第5部分:骨螺釘和輔助裝置.第2節:單槽頭和十字槽頭螺釘旋具規范

Reports had suggested the 27 - year - old was set for a comeback in april having been sidelined with a cruciate knee ligament injury since last summer 先前有報道說這位二十七歲的射手準備在四月份復出,他是在去年夏天由于十字韌帶撕裂而退出比賽的。

The chopping and changing came about after brazilian midfielder lucio was ruled out for the rest of the season afater damaging cruciate ligaments 在巴西中場盧西奧十字韌帶損傷鐵定無法參加本賽季余下的所有比賽后,無定見的變陣、調整便開始了。

The magpies ' record signing has been sidelined since rupturing cruciate knee ligaments playing for england in last summer ' s world cup in germany 這位喜鵲前鋒自從德國世界杯傷到了十字韌帶之后就再也沒有為球隊出戰。 (這句話我都翻爛了。 。 。 )

However , cole has suffered posterior rather than cruciate ligament damage and the club are hopeful he will be able to play again this season 但是科爾十字韌帶的受傷情況并不是想象中的那么嚴重,所以俱樂部依舊認為在本賽季復出還是有希望的。

“ it was confirmed that surgery was not necessary on the posterior cruciate ligament injury and so it is expected he will play again this season . “后十字韌帶扭傷什不需要手術是可以肯定的,所以我們期待他在這個賽季能夠重返賽場。 ”

There are more than ten grafts for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction , but no graft is ideal one for all the patients 摘要關節鏡下重建前交叉韌帶的移植物有十幾種可供選取,但目前尚無一種理想的移植物可以適應所有的患者。

Effects of traditional chinese medicine and rehabilitation training on knee joint function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in arthroscopy 中醫治療結合康復訓練對關節鏡下膝前交叉韌帶重建術后早期膝關節功能的影響

Heinze has not played a first - team game for united since damaging his cruciate knee ligament in the 0 - 0 champions league draw with villarreal last september 海因策在去年冠軍杯對陣比利亞雷亞爾受傷之后就再沒為一線隊上過場。

Owen has not played since rupturing his anterior cruciate ligament in england ' s world cup finals clash with sweden in june last year 歐文自從去年代表英格蘭參加世界杯與瑞典隊比賽中十字形韌帶受傷后一直都沒有進行比賽。

The midfielder watched from the bench as garcia ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee against arsenal last week 上周對陣阿森納的比賽中,這名中場球員在板凳上目睹了加西亞十字韌帶前部受傷的一幕。

Manchester united goalkeeper ben foster faces a lengthy period out of the game as he prepares to undergo surgery on his cruciate knee ligament 曼聯門將本.福斯特因為他的膝蓋韌帶受傷接受手術將卻西很長時間的比賽。

The midfielder watched from the bench as garcia ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee against arsenal last week 在上周和阿森納的比賽中,這名中場隊員在板凳上目睹了加西亞十字韌帶前部受傷的一幕