
crucial adj.1.嚴酷的;極為困難的。2.極緊要的;決定性的。...


Youth education crucial to clean society 04 03 培育青年誠信廉政薪火相傳04 03

Which is crucial to our company ' s continued vitality 而新人也是公司的發展之道

Please be aware that this is a crucial issue to us 請了解這一點重關至們我對要。

- i don ' t know . - it ' s crucial to find that out -我不知道-搞清楚這一點才是關鍵

The raja of tippera raided at the crucial moment 帝波羅羅?在緊急關頭發動進攻。

At this point it becomes useful to borrow some terms and ideas from plant pathology in which a crucial distinction is made between two kinds of infection . 在這一點上,可借用植物病理學的一些名詞和概念,其中在兩種侵染之間有嚴格的區分。

I think that the crucial mistakes in most methodological discussions arise from some very common misunderstandings of the methods of physics . 我認為,在大多數方法論討論中,關鍵性的錯誤在于對物理學方法的一些十分常見的誤解。

Mobilizing additional capital flows from private and official sources will be a crucial factor in establishing the conditions required for growth . 為了創造增長所需的條件,動員更多的私人和官方來源的資金流入將是重要的因素。

Certainly, in light of the record, no one could be faulted for entrusting him with the crucial assignment to tokyo back in 1975 . 的確,從他的一貫表現看,誰也不會因為在一九七五年派他去東京執行重要任務而受到指責。

There is a good chance that this outward diffusion of neutrinos and antineutrinos plays a crucial role in the supernova explosion . 中微子和反中微子的這種向外的散射很可能在超新星爆發中起著關鍵的作用。

To return to our opening point, the restoration of private sector confidence is crucial to raising domestic savings rates . 還是讓我們回到原來的出發點,恢復私營部門的信心對提高國內積累率是至關重要的。

In such nations the import tariff becomes a crucial source, not of industrial protection but of public revenue . 在這些國家中,進口稅不是作為一項保護工業的措施,而是作為財政收入的一項決定性來源。

Of these intellectuals the least sociological was david hume but his influence on smith and ferguson was crucial . 在這批學者中,同社會學關涉最少的是大衛休謨,但他對斯密和弗格森的影響卻極大。

It is obviously crucial for the physician to be thoroughly familiar with the pharmacological properties of drug before it is administered . 醫師用藥前全面地熟悉藥物的藥理作用顯然是非常重要的。

For the basin analyst a crucial question concerns the duration and nature of the after-effects of plate interaction . 對于盆地分析者來說,關鍵問題在于板塊相互作用后效的持續時間和性質。

The crucial indirect benefits for developing countries derive from the impact of an oil price decline on the industrial countries . 發展中國家主要的間接得益來自石油跌價對工業國的沖擊。

Rainfall frequency and amount are thus crucial factors in determining the position of deposition in a soil profile . 降雨次數和降雨量是左右溶質在土壤剖面中沉積位置高低的決定性因素。

To the state department, its preeminence, however hollow and formalistic, was a crucial symbol . 對國務院來說,它的優勢地位,不管是多么空洞和形式主義的,都是一個重要的象征。

Even as germany in 1944 began to crumple, crucial war resources continued to go to murdering jews . 到1944年,德國已經開始崩潰的時候,重要的作戰資源繼續給用去殺害猶太人。