
cruces n.crux 的復數。


The crux and principles of building up teachers ' morals in higher educational institutions in the new period 新時期加強高校師德建設的原則及關鍵

Marketization of the interest rate is the crux of the reform of our financial system currently 利率市場化是我國金融體制改革中最關鍵的問題。

Discuss on the technology cruxs for preparation of concentrated lactic acid bacteria starter 濃縮型乳酸菌發酵劑制備中幾個技術關鍵問題的探討

Issues of the peasants ' income increasing difficult crux and countermeasure under the new situation 新形勢下農民增收難的癥結及其突破對策

To strengthen the supervision of law enforcement is the crux of preventing the professional crimes 加強執法監督是預防職務犯罪的關鍵

Crux of the matter 問題的關鍵

The crux and bluecurve themes , in addition to the default theme , are supported 除了缺省主題之外,還支持crux和bluecurve主題。

Therefore the crux is to change the structure of the economic system 所以結構性污染的解決關鍵是要改變經濟系統中的特定結構。

A stable and wide mass basis is the crux for a party to keep its position 穩固而廣泛的民眾基礎是執政黨保持執政地位的關鍵。

The crux of existence and development of a hospital lies in the training of talented persons 醫院生存發展關鍵在于人才的培養

The rational crux of wang chuanshan ' s economic thoughts and its practical significance 船山經濟思想的合理內核及其現實意義

Accounts on the crux of discipline construction is the construction of academic contingen 論學科建設的關鍵是學術隊伍建設

Maladjustment of personality with society : the crux of the grads ' difficulty in job - hunting 的關鍵是人格與社會不適應

Overnight at las cruces 夜宿拉斯庫斯。 。

At last , claim settlement is the crux to carrying out of the principle 保險理賠是損害補償原則真正貫徹落實的關鍵。

The three cruxes in the drama 中國戲劇三癥結

On cruxes of china ' s economy 解評中國經濟難點

The comparison of the cruxes of venture capital in the united states and japan 美日創業投資實質的探索與啟示

The rational crux and modern value of the macroeconomic thought in guan zi 宏觀經濟思想的合理內核及現代價值