
crt CRT = cathode-ray tube 陰極射線管...


21 “ inch color crt 21寸crt平面直角彩色映像管

The crt now has float and double forms for all math functions 現在, crt包含用于所有數學函數的浮點和雙精度格式。

Teco crt quan - yin factory s water , electricity , fire air system construction 東元資訊crt觀音廠水電消防空調工程

The crt and standard c library are available to both mixed and pure code Crt和標準c + +庫可用于混合代碼和純代碼。

This topic contains a list of new crt features in visual c 2005 本主題包含visual c + + 2005中crt的新增功能的列表。

Crt cooperative redundant threads 協同多余線程

Crt cyclic redundancy check code 循環冗余校驗碼

In this thesis , the following topics have been studied systemically 但crt存在體積龐大,笨重,高功耗等缺陷。

Black and white crt display 黑白陰極射線管顯示器

Touch interface crt screen 觸摸接口陰極射線顯示屏

The multi function display gets a high quality single color crt 多功能顯示器有一個高分辨率單色陰極射線管。

Voice - actuated crt terminal 話音激勵陰極射線管終端機

Merge modules install the crt and mfc assemblies in two locations 合并模塊在兩個位置安裝crt和mfc程序集:

Notify me of updates to posiflex mt - 900 9 inch gray monitor Posiflex mt - 900 9寸灰階螢幕crt更新時通知我

General specifications for crt display device of computer 數字電子計算機用陰極射線管顯示設備通用技術條件

Speeding modular squaring algorithms of larger - number using crt 利用中國剩余定理改進大數模平方計算研究

Code that uses the crt is very likely to produce deprecation warnings 使用crt的代碼很可能產生否決警告。

Whether to link statically to the crt 是否靜態鏈接到crt

Discussion on relation between results of cre and crt strength tester 兩類紗線強力機測量結果的關系分析