
crozier n.= crosier.


So many researchers have put forward the different opinions , for example , crozier established the low efficient sticky characteristics model of bureaucracy robert morton suggested anti - function theory of bureaucracy , and etc . the unavoidable questions must be investigated are : does the bureaucracy really show efficient principles ? can the bureaucracy reflect the value of stabilization and equality 但是,科層制并不是總能夠表現出理性的特征,越來越多的學者們提出與馬克斯?韋伯不同的觀點,例如克羅茨crozier的“科層制的低效率剛性”模型、 robertmorton羅伯特?默頓的科層制的反功能理論,等等。

With beaded mitre and with crozier , stalled upon his throne , widower of a widowed see , with upstiffed omophorion , with clotted hinderparts . airs romped around him , nipping and eager airs 戴著鑲有珠子的主教冠,手執牧杖27 ,紋絲不動地跨在他的寶座上;他成了鰥夫,主教的職位也守了寡28 。

The crozier and the pen 牧杖與鋼筆

Under which condition do the organization fit the crozier ' s low efficient model 什么條件下表現出克羅茨描述的低效率剛性