
croydon n.輕快二輪單馬車。


A group of local people with learning disabilities received a grant in january 2005 to research the heritage of queen s gardens in croydon 2005年1月,克羅伊登一群有學習障礙的人士得到了一筆贈款,支持他們對女皇花園遺產展開調查。

Where did you meet him ? - at a betting shop in croydon 你在哪碰到他的?在克羅伊登一間投注站

Immigration and nationality directorate croydon public caller unit 英國移民和國籍事務部

The question was addressed without preliminaries as the living-room door opened and the duchess of croydon appeared . 克羅伊敦公爵夫人剛從起居室門口走出來,就開門見山地問道。

The duchess of croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing mind . 克羅伊敦公爵夫人極力控制住自己跑馬似的思想。

Croydon might soon be named british ambassador to washington . 克羅伊敦可能即將被提名為英國駐華盛頓大使。

The duke of croydon pored over an opened esso road map . 克羅伊敦公爵仔細察看著一張攤開的埃索公路圖。

I wondered if i should check with the duchess of croydon . 我想是不是應該去問問克羅伊敦公爵夫人。