
crown wheel 【機械工程】冕狀輪〔差動器側面傘形齒輪〕。

crown witness

Crown wheels are cast steel manufacture , heat treatment machines increases from each pulley roller bearings by the installation of the shafts , ensure good results 天車輪均用合金鑄鋼制造,熱處理后機加而成,每個滑輪都由滾子軸承安裝在軸上,確保使用效果良好。

Crown wheel core 小鋼輪座

Crown wheel stud 小鋼輪樁

Crown wheel spring 小鋼輪簧

Crown wheel collar 小鋼輪襯套

Crown wheel rocker 小鋼輪搖桿

Crown wheel driver 小鋼輪傳動輪

Additional crown wheel 附加小鋼輪

Alarm crown wheel core 鬧小鋼輪蓋片

Alarm crown wheel ring 鬧小鋼輪襯圈

Crown wheel escapement 冠輪擒縱機構

Crown wheel rocker spring 小鋼輪搖桿簧

Crown wheel driver core 小鋼輪轉動輪座

Crown wheel driving wheel stud 小鋼輪傳動輪樁

Alarm crown wheel friction spring 鬧小鋼輪摩擦簧