
crown jewels 〔英國〕加冕禮用珠寶類。

crown land

The two largest polished gems from the cullinan diamond are now mounted on the scepter and cross and imperial state crown in the british crown jewels , and similarly , the two towers will stand as brilliant gems embodying royal prestige and setting a new international benchmark for luxury residences 現時the cullinan兩顆最大鉆石,分別鑲嵌在英國皇室權杖和皇冠上,盡顯貴族權威和身分的象徵,九站天璽勢必以前所未見王者氣派呈現香江,成為未來世界豪宅指標。

Panoramic sightseeing in scandinavia largest and liveliest metropolis . see city hall , stock exchange on the way to christiansborg palace , amalienborg palace and the wistful little mermaid watching the harbor . also , a visit to rosenborg palace to admire the danish crown jewels 早上市區觀光:安徒生童話中美人魚雕像安瑪麗皇宮市政大廈國會所在地的克利絲登舊皇宮,在16世紀的羅生城堡,并參觀丹麥歷代皇室珍藏之珠寶及皇冠。

Hong kong stampex 2003 is the crown jewel among the society s list of events this year , and for that , hongkong post continues to lend support to all aspects of the exhibition to make sure it is more successful than ever 香港郵展2003是香港郵學會今年的重頭戲,香港郵政一如既往全力支持,務求把郵展辦得一年好過一年。

Navy tomahawk land - attack missiles ( tlam ) ( about $ 1 million a copy ) and air force conventional air - launched cruise missiles ( calcm ) ( some $ 2 million each ) are among this category ' s crown jewels 海軍戰斧式艦對地導彈( tlam ) (每枚約1百萬美元)和空軍常規空射巡航導彈( calcm ) (某些每枚2百萬美元)都位于此類武器之首。

These sets of data are the modern crown jewels - but instead of treating them as a resource to boost national wealth , the government locks them up , restricting access to those who pay 這套資料是當代的瑰寶,但并沒有當作是增進國家的福利,政府反而將其封鎖,只限制給付錢的人近用。

Mr premji says they are defining their technological “ crown jewels ” ever more narrowly and entrusting work previously performed in - house to partners 普萊姆基先生說,這些客戶對自己技術方面“皇冠上的寶石”的定義越來越窄,并把先前由內部執行的工作委托給合作伙伴。

Sadly , hong kong s crown jewel , victoria harbor , is now so contaminated that no one - with the possible exception of the yuen lung crocodile - swims there 但令人難過的是,由于污染太嚴重,沒有人可能除了元朗的那條小鱷在里面游泳。

Furniture of ming dynasty ? ? ming - style furniture , which developed into the crown jewel of china ' s antique furniture , gets hot among chinese collectors 明代家具? ?在明清時代發展為古典家具巔峰藝術的明式家具成為中國收藏界的熱點。

Specially selected , exquisite woods , prized for their color and grain , give each crown jewel instrument its unique characteristics 皇冠珠寶系列鋼琴的與眾不同來自于所選用的經精心挑選、以其自身色澤和木紋著稱的上等木材。

And they ' re sure the daring criminal duo will try to scoop up a special prize ? the spectacular crown jewels of sarconne , which are on display at a museum 而他們認為這兩個竊賊一定會對博物館里正在展出的珠寶皇冠下手!

To mark its rarity , each crown jewel piano has , as a final touch , a special medallion 每架皇冠珠寶系列鋼琴都有一個特別鑲飾徽章以彰顯鋼琴的稀有珍貴,猶如點睛之筆。

In our lineup of health care products , the cosmetics division is our crown jewel 在我們生產衛生保健產品的一系列部門中,化妝品部是最具競爭力的拳頭部門。

Who stole the crown jewels , 他偷走了王冠權杖

( clarisse ) i had a selection of the crown jewels brought out for you 我為你特別挑選了這些訂做的皇冠寶石

Magnificently restored crown jewels 剛剛修復的我國國寶

Clarisse ) i had a selection of the crown jewels brought out for you 我為你特別挑選了這些訂做的皇冠寶石

Clarisse i had a selection of the crown jewels brought out for you 我為你特別挑選了這些訂做的皇冠寶石

Now , agent one believed that there was a plot to steal the crown jewels 一號特工確信有人想竊取王冠

That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels 與皇冠上的寶石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么錢。