
crown n.1.(勝利的)花冠;榮譽;〔美俚〕錦標。2.王冠,冕...

crown bud

The labeling substance is unevenly distributed through the crown of the marked trees . 標記物質不能均勻地分布于標記樹的整個樹冠上。

There was a fine noise of rushing water from the crown of an oak at his back . 一股水柱從他身后的橡樹頂上瓢潑而下,發出悅耳的聲響。

At this time hitler made a crowning error in strategy and direction . 這個時候,希特勒在戰略和作戰指揮方面,犯下了一個極大的錯誤。

To crown the whole, he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party . 最重要的一點是,他打算請一大群客人來參加下次的舞會。

And the lordship of ireland was merged for good in the crown of england . 從此愛爾蘭大領主和英國國王這兩個頭銜便永遠結合在一起。

The cross of honour and the laurel crown will not be bought and sold for filthy lucre . 桂冠和勛章不能用不義之財來進行買賣。

He was a trifling worthless fellow, and as mean a man as ever wore a crown . 他是個輕浮無德的人,是歷來最卑鄙的一個君主。

It was cold , raining , and , to crown it all , we had to walk home . 天氣寒冷,又下著雨,而最倒霉的是,我們得走著回家。

The crown of thorns was made of real thorns, and was nailed to the sacred head . 荊棘冠冕是真荊棘編的,釘在圣靈頭上。

The influence line for shear at the crown can be obtained in a similar manner . 拱頂處剪力的影響線可按類似方式得到。

Ninety days later, true to his word, the goldsmith brought the crown . 過了90天后,金匠果然如他所說的帶著王冠來了。

The outer zones are the conducting routes between the crown and the roots . 其外層環帶還有溝通樹冠和樹根的運輸線。

The veil on your head shall be grief, and the crown shall be pain . 你戴的面紗就是悲傷的源泉,花冠就是痛苦的象征。

He had subdued italy and had been crowned in the imperial city of rome . 他征服過意大利,曾在羅馬帝國首都加過冕。

The crown came out of the housewife's pocket with a very good grace . 那塊金幣從主婦的口袋里自覺自愿地跑了出來。

No, joan, you have crowned him; and you must go through with it . 不行,瓊,你給他加了冕,你得把這件事做到底。

I'll crown you . 我要揍你。

Ropes are also used to facilitate movement while in the tree crown . 在樹冠里時,繩索還被用來協助活動。

The performance provided the crowning touch to the evening 's entertainments . 該項演出使晚會錦上添花。