
crowd n.1.人群;擁擠。2.〔the crowd〕 民眾,群...


The crowd parted to let them through . 人群分開好讓他們通過。

An angry murmur ran through the crowd . 群眾紛紛氣憤地抱怨著。

She lost her husband in the crowd . 她和她丈夫在人群中走散了。

The crowds surge out of the sports stadium . 人群從運動場擁出。

We were borne backwards by the crowd . 人群把我們擠到后面去了。

The speaker was hissed down by the crowd . 人群把演講者噓下臺。

Barricades were erected to keep back the crowds .. 設置了障礙以隔開人群。

Sunday was a day crowded with incident . 星期日這天事情多得令人應接不暇。

The crowds surge out of the sports stadium . 觀眾從運動場涌出。

They crowd people into the buses . 他們讓許多人擠進公共汽車里。

There were huge crowd of people in the square . 廣場上人山人海。

He faced the raging crowd with defiance . 他桀驁不馴地面對著憤怒的人群。

The park is packed with a dense crowd . 公園里黑壓壓地擠滿了人。

The crowd linked arms to form a barrier . 群眾臂挽著臂組成人墻。

The crowd in a panic fled in all directions .. 倉皇的人群向四面逃去。

Something deep had shaken the crowd . 一種深沉的感情震撼了人群。

The crowd boosted the morale of the runners . 人們為賽跑選手們加油助威。

She spotted her friend in the crowd . 她在人群中認出了她的朋友。

He shouldered his way through a crowd . 他用肩膀在人群中擠過去。