
crowbar 鐵挺,鐵橇;起貨鉤;【物理學】急劇短路,斷裂。


In the paper , also introduced the functions of cage , remote control and local control , and pack up the relations of all units . through disassembling , testing and renovating the original control system , gradually resumed local , remote system and crowbar system , at last successfully accomplished control system united experiment between remote unit and local unit 文中也詳細敘述了cage 、 remotecontrol和localcontrol系統各單元的功能、各單元之間的信號聯系,以及crowbar保護系統。

Towards that small and ghostly hour , he rose up from his chair , took a key out of his pocket , opened a locked cupboard , and brought forth a sack , a crowbar of convenient size , a rope and chain , and other fishing tackle of that nature 到了凌晨一兩點,也就是幽靈出沒的時刻,他才在椅子邊站了起來,再從口袋里掏出鑰匙,打開柜櫥,取出一個口袋,一根大小適中的撬棍,一根帶鏈的繩子和這一類的“漁具” 。

At about 12 . 30 pm yesterday , police officers from sham shui po district received a report that a 50 cm crowbar was found hidden inside a hose chamber on 25th floor of a building in sham shui po district 昨日下午約十二時三十分,深水?警區人員接到報案指有人收藏了一支五十公分長的鐵筆在深水?一幢大廈二十五樓的水表房內。

Officers of the district crime squad of sham shui po arrested the four men on august 30 while the four were trying to use a crowbar to prize open the iron grille of a flat in sham shui po 深水?警區重案組探員于八月三十日在深水?一幢大廈附近埋伏時將該四名男子拘捕,當時他們正企圖用一枝鐵筆撬開一個單位的鐵閘。

* * * * to avoid making the museum crew crowbar the clocks out of hardened paint , the exhibit planner should probably add lag time between painting the walls and hanging the clocks 如果油漆未干便懸掛鐘表,情況將非常尷尬;明智的規劃者應該在“粉刷墻壁”和“懸掛鐘表”兩任務之間添加延隔時間。

Police officer then laid ambush in the vicinity and two males aged 17 and 19 were caught red - handed when they tried to use the crowbar to prize open the iron grille of a flat 警員其后在附近埋伏,并拘捕兩名年齡分別為十七及十九歲的男子,他們當時正企圖用該鐵筆撬開大廈內一個單位的鐵閘。

With a menacing look at the turnkey he crawled upon the hearth , and , peering up the chimney , struck and prised at its sides with the crowbar , and worked at the iron grating across it 他狠狠地盯了看守一眼,爬上了壁爐,從煙囪里往上看,用橇棍敲打著,撥弄著煙囪壁,捅著橫在煙囪上的鐵柵。

For transmitters copper wire made of folded copper , in the grip sian , the other side wear crowbar , forced tighten reverse at the same time , control laps or angle to the right 發射器用銅絲制成,對折銅絲,在臺鉗上夾住,另一端穿鐵棒,用力繃緊的同時扭轉,控制圈數,升角要合適

Hard . ( faint smile ) in fact , i understand the bite - reflex is so strong the victim ' s jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar (微弱的笑了一下)實際上,這種條件反射的咬合是如此之強,以至于受害者的牙關必須得用撬棍才撬得開。 ”

A redhot crowbar and some liniment rubbing on the burning part produced fritz of amsterdam , the thinking hyena 用燒得通紅的鐵棍烙過之后,再在燙傷處涂上膏藥,便把阿姆斯特丹的弗里茨,會思考的鬣狗造就出來了。

Delicate design , being portable . adopt overvoltage crowbar , intelligent charging , usage safe , take care of your handset 本產品設計精巧,攜帶方便。采用過壓保護電路,智能充電,使用安全,精心呵護您的手機。

Lock bumping is irrelevant if a potential thief would rather use a crowbar or a swift kick than a bump key and a rubber mallet 如果一個小偷只愿使用一把撬棍或者猛踢而不用撞匙和橡皮錘,撞鎖就不用考慮了。

Two screwdrivers , a saw , a waterpipe , a crowbar and a metal safe were also seized during the operation 探員在現場檢獲兩支螺絲批、一把鋸、一支水喉管、一支鐵筆及一個保險箱。

Great . ability . does . not . mean . that . should . grind . your . crowbar . into . a . needle ; you . better . cherish . and . maintain . your . weapons . well 功夫深不代表要把鐵棒磨成針,珍視和保養好你的武器。

Take off the training wheels . - hey , i got a crowbar under the seat , okay 別開的跟個學車的似的-嘿,我座位底下可放了根鐵棒

- take off the training wheels . - hey , i got a crowbar under the seat , okay -別開的跟個學車的似的-嘿,我座位底下可放了根鐵棒

Crowbar circuit protection of high voltage power supply of plasma filled hpm source 充等離子體微波源高壓電源的撬棒保護

I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow 我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到手推車里。

The application of cold cathode crowbar - tube in microwave tube power 冷陰極撬棒管在微波管電源中的應用