
crow n.1.鴉〔包含 raven, rook, jackda...

crow jim

The crow pecked out the eyes of the dead sheep 烏鴉啄出了那頭死羊的眼睛。

Our neighbor had to eat crow yesterday 這個人說:我們的鄰居真是丟了臉。

In what it looks like a crow to a writing - desk 烏鴉鉆進寫字臺是個什么樣?

Mk . 14 : 72 and immediately a rooster crowed a second time 可十四72立時雞叫了第二遍。

Now , my man , i ' ve a crow to pick with you 老兄,我現在有件事非要跟你辯個明白不可。

On the image of crows in the early chinese cultural history 意象的蘊意及演化

Not so far as the crow flies . - we ain ' t crows -沒有烏鴉飛的遠-我們不是烏鴉

The queen greeted the crowed with a gracious smile 女王帶著親切的微笑向人群致意。

Crow - signifies a settled habitation and a quiet life 烏鴉象征穩定安寧的生活。

All crows are equally black , all wolves eat meat 天下烏鴉一般黑,老狼都是吃肉的。

A large crowed gathered under the town hall clock 一大群人聚集在市政廳的大鐘下。

You should not crow over a defeated enemy 你不應該在被你擊敗的敵手面前大吹大擂。

It was interrupted by the crowing of a cock 這種沉寂被公雞的一聲啼鳴打破了。

Probe into crow imago in chinese and western cultures 中西方文化中的烏鴉意象探析

But while you are crowing over your imaginary success, see if it does not return with seven devils worse than its former self . 可是你正在為這種空洞的勝利自鳴得意的時候,它卻又會卷土重來,而且還要厲害個十倍八倍呢。

At the same time i instructed agencies to avoid confrontational rhetoric and not to crow about the airlift . 同時我指示各機構避免使用對抗的語言,并且不要為這次空運自鳴得意。

As delegates crowed around him, unexpectedly, incredibly, nim found he was a hero . 當代表們簇擁在尼姆周圍時,他感到自己簡直是個英雄,這確是出乎意料而又令人難以置信的。

Events crowed upon us so black and so quickly that i forgot to lift the ban . 意外事件紛至沓來,既令人如此沮喪,而又來得那么快,以致使我忘記了解除禁令。

The deepest penetration up to date is a distance of thirty-eight miles as the crow flies . 截至目前,突入敵軍陣地最深的是直線距離三十八哩。