
croupier n.1.(賭場上的)管錢人。2.(公共宴會的)副主持人。


Harrah ' s , the firm that owns caesar ' s palace , does not keep track of its employees ' ages , but a brief walkabout reveals many silver - haired croupiers , waitresses and vendors of elton john - themed knickknacks 哈勒斯公司, “凱撒宮”的所有者,并不清楚它雇員的年齡,但是在公司里面簡單的走一遍就可以發現很多銀發的賭場經理,女服務生,和埃爾頓?約翰主題裝飾物的售賣者。

The croupiers spoke estonian , russian , finnish , and german ; my luck proved rotten in every language , and i lost a pile of the nation ' s currency , estonian kroons , at the roulette table 賭臺管理員說愛沙尼亞語、俄語、芬蘭語還有德語;無論用什么語言,我的運氣都被證明是極其糟糕的,我在輪盤賭桌上失去了一大堆這個國家的貨幣,愛沙尼亞克魯恩。