
croup n.【醫學】假膜性喉炎,格魯布,哮吼。


Establishing singapore treasure way croup and attached firms , xuzhou new century electronic engineering corporation , shanghai treasure way electronic systematic group , shanghai hua lv economic development corporation , shanghai lujie investment consultancy corporation , guangdong zhineng high tech scientific corporation , shanghai treasure way culture media co . ltd and awarded the powerful enterprises to promote systematic by state ministry construction bureau and the state science bureau 自1993年起至今先后創建了新加坡寶路集團及其下屬公司;徐州新世紀電子工程有限公司、上海寶路電子系統有限公司、上海華櫚經濟發展有限公司、上海路捷霖投資咨詢有限公司、廣東寶路智能科技有限公司、上海寶路文化傳媒有限公司等并任董事長,并獲國家建設部與科技部聯合授予的“推動智能化進程的風云企業”的稱號。

The comparative advantages of china . finally , the article uses the model of expansion of haier croup and galanz , discussing the rational recognition on enterprise expansion hi practice and answering the above questions . haier ' s and galanz ' s attitudes and methods will provide successful enlightenment for chinese ' s enterprises , which are on the way of expansion 提出正確全面認識我國的比較優勢,推動我國企業制定和實施正確的國際化擴張戰略;文章第六部分以海爾集團和格蘭仕集團的成功擴張為例,討論了實踐中對企業擴張的理論認識,回答了海爾集團和格蘭仕集團對上述有關問題的態度和處理方法,并為我國眾多企業走成功擴張之路提供了啟示。

If your elbows and upper arms are not connected to your torso , the rein contact will enter your body at the shoulder level , which allows the horse to use the leverage of your torso against you , e . g . by rooting against the bit and pushing his croup up , which renders your seat and rein aids completely ineffective 如果騎手肘部和上臂不能和踝聯系,那么韁聯系只能到你的肩膀,這樣馬就會利用你的踝的杠桿左右來對抗,馬匹對抗銜鐵,抬高尻部,從而導致你的騎坐和韁扶助完全失去效果。

Scope of business : yunnan pan long yun hai croup corporation ltd . mainly develop manufacture and trade chinese medicine , healthy manufacture and trade chimese medicine , health medicine and biological training , explore of real estate , menferrons metal , ect 經營范圍:以藥品、醫療保健品和生物制品的開發、生產和經營為主,同時開展健康新概念培訓,拓展房地產業,有色金屬礦產業等集工業,貿易于一體,擁有十個下屬企業。

A divided drove of branded cattle passed the windows , lowing , slouching by on padded hoofs , whisking their tails slowly on their clotted bony croups . outside them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear . - emigrants , mr power said 身上打了烙印的牛,分兩路從馬車的車窗外走過去,哞哞叫著,無精打采地挪動著帶腳墊的蹄子,尾巴在瘦骨嶙嶙巴著糞的屁股上徐徐地甩來甩去。

Dalian yu sheng yuan international hotel is a luxury commercial hotel built with investment by anda shengdao croup according to national star - level standards , where restaurant , guest room , entertainment and conference are incorpoorated together 酒店是由安達圣島集團按國家四星級標準投資興建的集客房餐飲會議娛樂等于一體的豪華商務酒店。

Nanjing panda machanical and electrical manufacture co . , ltd is owned by nanjing panda electrical croup company , ltd . and held by nanjing panda electron group 南京熊貓機電制造有限公司是南京熊貓電子集團控股,隸屬于熊貓機電儀產業集團的股份制企業。

In 1932 , the department of mechanical engeering was established , comprising an aeronautical croup and an automobile teaching group 機械工程是清華大學最早建立的學科之一, 1932年就成立了機械工程學系,其中包括航空與汽車組。

The croup slopes away from the spine at an angle , but never so steeply as to restrict the rearward thrust of the hind legs 臀部的斜面遠離脊骨處,呈一定的角度,但是不要感覺看上去的角度很明顯,以免影響后腿的后蹬力。

Back : the back is straight and strong , with a level topline from withers to croup 后軀:后軀直并且強壯,擁有從肩部到臀部水平的背線。

Iraq study croup 美國伊拉克問題研究小組

Croup : long , hardly sloping , merging gently with the root of the tail 臀部:長的,幾乎沒有坡度,跟輕微的尾根結合。

Thought of the invention patent protection on coronary virus gene croup of sars 冠狀病毒基因組發明專利保護的思考

There is no slope or angle to the croup 在臀部沒有斜面和角度。

Broad muscular loins , very slightly sloping croup 肌肉發達的腰部,臀部稍低。