
crotch n.1.(人的)胯。2.叉狀物;(樹等的)丫叉;【航海】...


You have to thank asst . master . if he didn ' t hit you at the crotch , you won ' t be healed so fast 瞎子:至于二當家呢,他是無心之失嘛!如果不是他踢你小弟弟這幾腳你的傷也不會好得這么快呀!

He said the doll has the bulging crotch because “ that ' s how the character looks in the movie . 他還說這些娃娃有著很寬的胯部,這是因為“電影里的角色看起來就是這樣。

I think we bonded just fine around 3 : 10 this morning when your knee was in my crotch 我想我們今早3 : 10左右你把膝蓋放在我胯下的時候我們很融洽

A : check this out , man . my uncle gave me this crotch - rocket as a birthday present 老兄,你看。我叔叔送給我這輛跑車型的摩托車當作生日禮物。

The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes 西裝背心的低領里露出漿得筆挺的白底粉紅條紋襯衫的前胸。

Crotch meet point 十字褲襠骨

Some of the older guy s will actually be bold enough and grab a guy s crotch 有些年齡較大的人會非常大膽去抓別人的陰部。

Crotch cross unmatch 下襠十字骨錯位

Always give people a friendly greeting . a cold nose in the crotch is effective 對人要友善問候,用濕冷的鼻頂頂還蠻有效的…

Unmatched crotch cross 下襠十字骨錯位

Listen up , crotch stain 聽著,混小子

Oh ! pasta de la crotch 噢,獎杯粘果醬

When you look this good , who can blame you for licking your own crotch 當你看見這么美麗的我舔你的褲襠時你會責怪嗎?

Do i point at my crotch when i ask where the toilet is 那如果我要問人家,洗手間在哪兒,我又用不用指著自己的下體

Who was he ? - an archeologist with a skirt slit to the crotch 他是誰?一名穿著開口到胯部裙子的考古學家

He has a dull heavy ache in the crotch 他的胯部感到隱痛

Right across your crotch would be great 最好在你的胯下

If1 callyoua crotch - face , you ball - scratching finch - fucker 如果我說你是個兩面派、搔睪丸的芬奇混帳!

He has a dull heavy ache in the crotch 他的胯部感到隱痛。