
crossword (puzzle) 縱橫字謎。


He has a marvelous understanding of words and the times crossword puzzle is kid ' s stuff for him 他對詞語有奇特的理解能力,泰晤士報上的橫縱填字字謎對他來說簡直太容易了。

Sunday : do the crossword or sudoku puzzle in your sunday paper and take a brisk walk 周日:填寫報紙上的縱橫字謎游戲或者數獨,再輕松地散個步。

This is not a game . it ' s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary 這不是游戲。這只是可以幫助我提高單詞量的一種縱橫字謎。

Every cell will be , essentially , a letter in the crossword puzzle 本質上,每個細胞都是縱橫拼字謎( crossword puzzle )中的一個字母。

I enjoy word games but the times crossword puzzle usually foxes me 我喜歡詞語游戲,可《時代周刊》上的縱橫填字字謎常常把我搞湖涂。

Do the crossword or sudoku puzzle in your sunday paper and take a brisk walk 做一縱橫字謎或者填數字游戲,并且來一次輕松的散步。

You should do crossword puzzles . lt helps the brain at a certain age 你應該做做縱橫拼字謎.這對上了年紀的大腦有好處

I gotta tell you , this crossword ` s a lot easier than the one l ` m used to at home 這個填字游戲比在家里的簡單多了

I gotta tell you , this crossword s a lot easier than the one l m used to at home 這個填字游戲比在家里的簡單多了

Watch him do the crossword puzzle 看他做拼字游戲

He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles 他把所有的時間都用在做縱橫填字游戲和其他無聊的活動上

A good overall memory strengthening exercise is crossword puzzles 一個好的全面的加強記憶訓練是縱橫拼字謎。

Yeah . it ' s exciting . this month we ' re doing crossword puzzles 是呀,很令人興奮。這個月我們要做字謎游戲。

Will you help me with this crossword puzzle ? it got me stumped 你幫我解這個縱橫字謎好嗎?它難住我了。

My father used to encrypt my crossword puzzles when i was a kid 在我小的時候我爸爸經常加密我的拼字迷

Eric : now , honey , on your crossword , you missed an easy one 親愛的,你的添字游戲你落了一個簡單的

I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle 這個縱橫字謎的提示完全把我弄糊涂了

You guys both do the crosswords in pen 你們都用筆來玩猜字游戲

And they are even doing pretty well at crossword puzzles 而它們在縱橫字謎游戲中也有著優異表現。