
crossway 十字路口;活動、聚會的中心地點。


If the superstructure is crossways , make sure that the foot section is not lying on the track groups or the outrigger struts of the auxilliary support ( if required , props up the boom to a higher level ) 如果上車為十字交叉型的,則務必確保臂桿根部沒有接觸到履帶組或輔助支承上的支腿壓桿(如夠必要,可把臂桿墊得更高些) 。

Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway , to cut off those of his that did escape ; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress 俄14 .你不當站在岔路口、剪除他們中間逃脫的他們遭難的日子、你不當將他們剩下的人交付仇敵。