
crosswalk 人行橫道;斑馬線。


He may stop in front of the crosswalk , but that only makes him feel justified in preventing pedestrians from crossing the street on every other occasion 司機可能在人行橫道前停車,但是這只是讓他感覺每次讓行人穿過街道是正確的。

A crosswalk path with no bridge . the communitys inhabitants had to walk over holes and cracks full of dirty water 行人穿越道和小路沒有橋面,迫使社區居民行走于充滿臟水的洼洞與裂縫之間。

Paul : dad , why don ' t you just turn ? the light ' s green now . the people at the crosswalk will wait for you 保羅:爸,你為什么不直接轉呢?綠燈亮了。斑馬線上的人會等你先過。

Characteristic analysis of pedestrian crossing unsignalized crosswalks at urban arteries 城市干道無信號控制人行橫道行人過街特性分析

If you do not cross at the crosswalk , you are called “ jade - walkers . 如果你不是由人行橫道穿過馬路,就被稱為“不守交通規則的行人” 。

Diagonal crosswalk lines 班馬紋行人穿越道

Crosswalks even got a fresh coat of paint to encourage walking and biking 過街天橋上都掛上鼓勵步行和騎車的條幅。

You didn ' t stop at that crosswalk back there . you need to be more careful 你沒有在人行橫道處停車。你要小心點。

Not here come to the crosswalk 別在這!到前面的人行路口去

Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks 在行人穿越道上要禮讓行人。

This isn ' t a crosswalk . shouldn ' t jaywalk ! be more careful 這里不是人行橫道過馬路要小心點!

Gum in the crosswalk ? - he won this round 人行道上的口香糖? -這輪他贏了

- gum in the crosswalk ? - he won this round -人行道上的口香糖? -這輪他贏了

In a crosswalk , pedestrians have the right of way 在過街人行道上,行人有先行權。

In a crosswalk , pedestrians have the right of way 在人行橫道上,行人有優先權。