
crosstown adj.橫貫全城鎮的,穿城的。


Not only as being the most valuable of all possible forms of public places but regarded simply as a large space which will seriously interrupt crosstown communication wherever it occurs , the question of the site and bounds of the park requires to be determined with much more deliberation and art than is often secured for any problem of distant and extended municipal interests 不僅僅是作為公共用地中最有價值的形式,而且當公園不恰當存在時還容易被公眾簡單的理解為巨大的嚴重干擾城市內部交流的地塊,這就使得縝密及藝術性的考慮公園的位置和范圍顯得更加重要,而不是只滿足于以往的將其作為城市邊緣及或擴展的定位。

In challenges with the competition bureau , mr . finkelstein has been unbeatable . he has won each of the four merger cases that the bureau has contested , the most famous of which was the bruising four - year campaign he and mr . facey led to win court approval in 2003 for superior propane inc . s takeover of crosstown calgary rival icg propane inc 布雷克律師事務所是加拿大最著名的大型律師事務所之一,其近六百名律師分布于加拿大的溫哥華卡爾加里多倫多渥太華蒙特利爾英國倫敦美國紐約芝加哥和中國北京及上海等各個分所。

[ color = black ] jorge posada and alex rodriguez also homered for the yankees , who logged nine extra - base hits in a game for the first time this season and evaded a series sweep at the hands of their crosstown rivals 除此,波波與冰棒德也都有全壘打貢獻,全場比賽洋基發揮了九支長打,也是本季至今最多的,更逃過了鄰居宿敵大都會橫掃系列賽的美夢。

Jorge posada and alex rodriguez also homered for the yankees , who logged nine extra - base hits in a game for the first time this season and evaded a series sweep at the hands of their crosstown rivals 除此,波波與冰棒德也都有全壘打貢獻,全場比賽洋基發揮了九支長打,也是本季至今最多的,更逃過了鄰居宿敵大都會橫掃系列賽的美夢。

@ but you can take a crosstown bus if it ' s raining or it ' s cold @可你可以搭穿城的公車如果天氣陰雨或是寒冷

But you can take a crosstown bus if it ' s raining or it ' s cold @可你可以搭穿城的公車如果天氣陰雨或是寒冷

During halftime . we ' re playing our crosstown rivals tomorrow night 明天晚上我們會和另一城區的對手打比賽

Aren ' t they our hated crosstown rivals 他們不是咱們最恨的對頭嗎