
crosstie 〔美國〕【鐵路】枕木。


The model contains nose rail , wing rail , locking hooks and all relative components . the crossties are simplified as elastic foundations . thus , the model reveals the real working state of the locking hooks 論文中采用的計算模型包括心軌、翼軌、鎖閉鉤等幾乎所有的相關部件,沒有建模的枕木及地基也做了相應的簡化處理,并引入到了邊界條件中,比較真實地反映了鎖閉鉤的真實受力狀態。

Building structure template parts and scaffold parts , buried foundry goods used under the railway crosstie , znsulator iron cap of suspending form series and ring flange 建筑用模板,腳手架配件,鐵路預濕件,懸式絕緣子鐵帽,鑄鐵法蘭。

Following a path made by crossties , you can first reach the sight seeing pavilion where you can have a comprehensive view of the garden 沿著廢枕木鋪成的步道一路往上爬,首先到達的觀景臺,由此可以俯瞰整個苗圃的風貌。

Some boards laid loosely on the railroad crossties . 鐵路枕木上散放著幾塊木板。